Phase 16

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        "And one more strange thing happened," added Amethyst.

        "What was it, dear?" asked Honey.

        "Marmalade led me to the book."


        "It was a hidden area in the library, but she led me there. She was surprised to see me there though."

        Honey thought back to the night Marmalade brought Amethyst home.

        "Time is running out," said Marmalade, pointing at Amethyst. "Make sure to spill the truth to her," told Marmalade, as she vanished into the dark night.

        Amethyst went back to her room spaced out. So they sealed my magic in a magical world for my own good? So that I wouldn't turn out like the purple-haired girl in the book? she thought to herself. But how would a fortune teller know for sure?

        In her dreams, Amethyst saw the back of a purple-haired girl. "Is" She walked towards the girl and tapped her shoulders. "Hello?"

        The girl turns around and strong wind blew. Before Amethyst got blown far away, she managed to take a peek. That familiar face with orange hair smiled at her with eyes full of worry and sorrow.

        "Ah?!" Amethyst woke up in a shock. "Marmalade?"

        "Mom, you said both of you sealed my magical abilities right?" Amethyst asked as she enjoyed her breakfast.

        "Yes, dear." answered Honey.

        "Then why can't I see magic?"

        Mom looked at the dark aura at the dinning table, then laughed. "You know that's not true, dear."

        "What? What did dad say?" asked Amethyst impatiently.

        "He said the both of us were too powerful we ended up sealing everything. In fact, I think it was meant to turn out this way. "

        "Powerful? How powerful?"

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