Phase 12

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        "--ethyst, Amethyst, wake up."

        Amethyst opened her eyes, seeing her mother's worried face in front of her. "That's why I advised you to take it easy on studying. You fell asleep in the library."

        "How did I get home?" asked Amethyst.

        "It was closing time, so Marmalade brought you back home."

        "How did she bring me home?"

        "She piggy-backed you home of course," said Honey, looking concerned. "Are you alright, dear? You looked like you just woke up from a nightmare." Honey patted her head.

        "I had a dream about Marmalade," answered Amethyst vaguely as she hugged her mother.

        "You better thank her tomorrow, dear. She carried you all the way home in the dark."

        "Where's dad? He didn't pick me up from school?"

        "He's still working, dear. Do you miss your dad?"

        "Yeah, I miss him," confessed Amethyst honestly.

        "Your dad's gonna be so smug once he hears this."

        "Mom, can I sleep with both of you tonight?" requested Amethyst.

        "Sure dear, anytime."

        In her mother's warm embrace, Amethyst slept like a baby as though her worries were all swept away.

        Next morning, she felt someone hugging her from behind. She thought it was her mother.

        "Come eat, dears." Amethyst was startled when Honey greeted from the kitchen.

        "Dad?" Amethyst called out as she feels the pair of hands leaving her. She can feel her dad's hands patting her head.

        "Dad, stop patting my head! You'll make my hair messy."

        The movements stopped. Honey's eyes were wide open.

        "What?" asked Amethyst blurrily as she had just woken up from sleep.

        "Dear, you said you can feel your dad patting your head?" reconfirmed Honey.

        "Yea- OH WHAT IN THE-" Amethyst realised. She felt her dad's hug once again. She was so shocked she almost went back to sleep again.

        The three of them cuddled up tightly.

        "Oh dear!" Honey laughed and cried.

        After awhile, Amethyst looked at the time. "Mom, dad, I'm gonna be late if we keep this up!"

        Both of them let go reluctantly.

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