Phase 23

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        Amethyst woke up seeing an unfamiliar face holding her hands tightly, in an unfamiliar room.

        "...Dad?" Amethyst looked into her father's eyes for the first time. Smiling, she touched his cheeks.

        "Stop crying." She wiped the tears off his face. "I'm alright."

        Rouge shook his head, telling Amethyst sweetly, "Sleep more, dear. Get well soon."

        "Dad, has anyone ever told you that you have a handsome voice?"

        "It matches my handsome face, doesn't it?" Rouge smiled with tears rolling down his cheeks.

        "Your face look so ugly now, dad." Amethyst wiped off his tears once again.

        "I'll be my most handsome the next time you see me, so sleep now, my dear."

        Amethyst enjoyed the conversation. She tried to resist the urge to sleep, but her father's voice sounded like a lullaby.

        "Sweet dreams, dear."

        Her consciousness faded into nothingness...

        Cough... Cough...

        "Aarghh..." Amethyst heard noises from far away. She looked at her hands, it was covered in blood. A cloth wiped her hands.


        Honey smiled at Amethyst. "Everything is going to be alright, dear," Honey assured Amethyst.

        "... how long..." Amethyst asked weakly.

        "Don't worry about that, dear. Rest for now," answered Honey softly.

        Rest? Amethyst thought to herself, How long did I rest? How long must I rest? as she faded away again.

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