Phase 3

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        Phew, the first day of school was packed with introductions and meetings she couldn't see. She felt sad that she was still alone, but nevertheless, there's always tomorrow.

        At the school gate, something unexpected happened. Her mother, Honey, was busy at work as a mage, so her father, Rouge, came to pick her up. She cant recognise her father's appearance, but knew right away when she noticed a dark aura leading her home. They enjoyed a quiet walk together.

        Amethyst met her mother on the way. The three of them walked home together.

        "How was school today? Your father was dying to pick you up. He was so worried you wouldn't follow him. But actually, you shouldn't be following anyone that's near you," told Honey.

        Looking at her mother's concerned face, Amethyst imagined her father looking the same.

        "If anything happens, I'm sure dad will be there to protect me. He's my silent guardian after all," answered Amethyst.

        "Well, you should see the look on your father's face, its priceless," they laughed.

        "But maybe I would be able to hear dad from now on. The teachers used special made anti-magic mic just for me. For the first time, I was able to acknowledge the mythical creatures of my imaginations," Amethyst said while opening the door.

        Honey nodded. Silently, they both prepare dinner for their beloved.

        Her father picked her up from school everyday as if it was an unspoken rule.

        Well into the semester, Amethyst struck up conversations with the few mage friends she could see. She learnt that the reason she could only see Magus was because of their non-magic core.

        Faeries, Daemons and Angelos have magical cores which makes them magical beings, while Magus have non-magic core but are still able to create magic through their imaginations. Magus borrow their magic power from natural resources. They differ from one person to another. The rightful resource allows them to draw out their maximum potential.

        Each individual has different ways of using magic. In no way is any race inferior to other.

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