Phase 6

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        "There are a total of 5 levels of knowledge you can learn from this school --- Anum (Beginner), Tpam (Intermediate), Preora (Expert), Feoper (Mastery) and lastly Fif (Professional)."

        The teacher continued, "You need to be Preoran to be on board the research team. However, the period of time taken to reach that level is entirely up to you. Exams are held thrice annually, you can take them whenever you see fit. Before the actual exam, you can choose to take the proficiency test first to check if you are ready.

       "Lessons will proceed at the usual pace, which is half a year each to complete Anum and Tpam, one year to complete Preora and two years for Feoper."

        "What about Fif?" a student posed a question.

        "Fif will only be given to the top ten residents of the whole realm. Those who passed the secret test or have contributed to the progression of our world will be deemed a suitable candidate."

        Ding~ Ding~

        "Today's class will end here. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask anytime," announced teacher, before she left the classroom.

        "Teacher, I would like to be on the research team. I would like to participate in the curing of my condition," pleaded Amethyst.

        "As per mentioned in class, only a Preora ---"

        "Yes teacher, I understood your explanations earlier. I would just like to observe their progress and pose as a test subject for the research team as a form of assistance. Wouldn't it be better for the subject involved to be present?" said Amethyst firmly.

        Moved by her motivation and sincerity, the teacher promised she would convince the research team and the supervisor as an exception, for Amethyst was her beloved honour student.

        Delighted by her teacher's words, she went home with her heart thumping with excitement. She can't wait to see the colourful scenery once again. She also wanted to befriend the pink-haired researcher who was so kind to her.

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