Chapter 25

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Y/N PoV.

I was sprinting down the stairs, knowing Exo would arrive soon. I ran to the door looking if there where cars yet and saw the guys driving the cars out if the driveway. (Nonsense warning.) I asked them what they were doing and they told me Exo would be arriving with helicopters. I didn't expect that but I never saw and helicopter landing so I got excited. RM got a text that they would be arriving soon. I was looking up to see any signs of a helicopter but I didn't hear anything or saw anything.

I waited for a few minutes till I could hear a faint sound of a helicopter, getting louder second by second. I looked up and saw two helicopters coming towards us. As they were above the free spaces and slowly got deeper to land we could feel the wind getting stronger. When they landed Suho was the first getting out of the helicopter, and the others followed soon. I was so happy I didn't know who to run up to first. Then I just ran towards the first person near me who turned out to be it was Xiumin. He laughed and hugged me tight, then letting me go to greet the other members. I hugged each one of them ending with D.O. Then Suho greeted RM and the rest. We went inside and everyone greeted each other cheerfully.

Then the attention went to Kwan. Nobody knew him so they asked Him some questions. But all together, it was good.

So everyone the chapter is finished. It's short but we finally got Exo involved again. I won't be able to update often so I'm sorry for that. I hope everyone stays well and healthy. Byee~

Adopted Or Kidnapped by BTS (BTS x child reader) Where stories live. Discover now