29.A Masterplan

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Jace pov

I suppose a sister's words have that affect on you. They make you question everything. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it can lead to irrational tremulousness.

Tonight had to be impeccable, both for Clary and myself which was why my mind was stressing over where to take her.

"You seem uptight." Alec had said as he looked over my shoulder as to what I was cooking. I couldn't help but chuckle at his comment.

"She could read me like an open book and it was terrifying. It was terrifying for a person to come as close as to touch your soul. I don't regret even for a second that I went after her but fear was never a part of me and now all of a sudden it is."

"Magnus once said to me that emotions work in strange ways and of course he was right, they do. You can't explain them because such emotions are phenomenons but they become a part of you and you learn to fight for them rather than fight the feeling itself. Whatever you do she will appreciate it. " He patted my back before leaving.

Clary pov

" Iz I wanted to ask you something and you don't have to accept or give an answer straight away: I will understand."

"My answer is yes, I will be your parabatai. I know I can count on you." Izzy said as she embraced me.

"How did you know that I was going to ask you that?" I looked at her quizzically.

"Your letter." Izzy had replied as if it was obvious which it most likely was.

"So you had your answer ready for me once I returned?"

"It's not so hard to believe that I would choose you over anybody to be connected with. I can give you a list of endless, meaningless words but I think the action will prove in itself. So yes Clary it would be my honour to be your parabatai." Her smile shined brighter than the sun behind her.

" In that case I am privileged to also become your parabatai Izzy Lightwood." We held wrists as if was the real ceremony and all the heat rushed to me. I have never been so sure on a decision.

" You have been left a letter on your nightstand and curiosity is driving me insane to know what is inside."

I had my eyes glued on that very paper that Izzy had mentioned and I took it with a tentative demeanour.

"It's from Jace Clare, I am convinced it is." She hid her proud smile from me.

"Why would he be writing me a letter when he can just talk to me? Surely he is not that infuriated by the course of action I had taken to protect all of you."

"He's not. I told him that he should take you out and so this must be the way he wants to inform you by."

My discouragement turned into a smile as I opened it up, tracing my finger across his cursive writing.

Dear Clary,

Meet me at 4pm outside of the school, near the fountain where your bike is.

Love from Jace

" For once he listened to my advice about taking you on a date." Izzy stated feeling the satisfaction of taking the credit.

Not that I expected anything else of Izzy, it was in her character to help others especially in the romance area but was I really up to it was another question. Sure I liked Jace but there were so many things going wrong that it was simply too overwhelming for me to enjoy the one day I have supposedly off. This was why I couldn't help but blurt out, "you set me up a date?"

For a second Izzy eyed me as if I was going nuts. "And your surprised because? You deserve to have a relish, I only see you boisterous when you are training but that is not enough. I also see the way you two look at each other and that by itself warms my heart so I am doing you both a favour." She started looking through her closet to find an outfit which I was certain was for me. "Jace would agree with me that you are a natural beauty so hair and makeup isn't needed." She had finally come across a short v-neck, navy blue dress that she paired with her emerald green earrings. "Change!" Izzy commanded and minutes later I was out of the bathroom wearing the dress and earrings with a pair of boots that were mine. "You are my masterpiece. I would suggest to head in a bit down to the fountain." I nodded because I knew arguing with Izzy was useless.

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