32.Gold To The Memories

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Third person

New York's streets were now unfrozen. Simon had never realised how quickly the year had passed. That was probably due to the fact that Idris had warm weather and not many seasonal changes. The winter winds no longer blew and the birds chirped happily greeting spring. Strong rays of sunlight gave a decent warmth given the fact it was still early for the heat waves, not that Simon needed any warmth considering he was a vampire who didn't have to experience heat or coldness.

Still, from the tilting trees there had been a slight breeze that just made nature more lively. His favourite part of the season would have been how everything was reborn: all the leaves had tinted green, all the flowers bloomed and coloured the grass and the bugs crawled around as per usual.
With wide eyes Simon admired the city he had grew up in and had wandered around through most of his life.

Central park's flowers concealed the freshly cut grass. Izzy had always favoured roses but it had been far too early for them to bloom, still the mystical part where no mundanes entered, faerie plants and flowers that grew in Idris were beautifully sprouted from the ground. It reminded him of Idris in some way and he knew that Izzy used to often come to that particular place.

Fairy lights were wrapped around like vines giving the trees intricacy. Simon had helped Clary reach the higher parts of trees and only then he had realised how small she really was.

"You are tiny." He commented, snickering at Clary's frown.

"Shut up." She responded annoyed by the amount of times she had been told. "I can kick your ass so you won't be able to sit on it for at least a week."

Simon expression immediately turned to a frightened one because all in all he knew that Clary intimated pretty much anyone. "You won't."

"I won't but I could so don't push it." A victory smile appeared on her face.

Water trickled from the nearby fountain. A statue of an angel, probably sculptured by a shadowhunter, stood in the centre of the fountain. In the light of day it had a sheene, perhaps the sort of whitish silver glow a real angel would have - or at least that's what he pictured. The detail of it had been immaculate and he wondered if Clary could do that sort of thing if she was more into sculpting rather than the drawing and painting.

The gardens of Central Park also known as the folklore part had a mix of all the supposedly mythical creatures and in a way it seemed like this was where the shadow world could come at peace with no prejudices. It had been a start that developed into something bigger

Of all the details that Clary, Magnus and himself had considered for the perfect proposal, Simon most enjoyed the enchantment Magnus has casted. It was flower petals raining every few minutes when Izzy was to come. Clary had brought roses after Simon had told her that they were her favourite. A finishing touch from his part were the candles that when the time came would burn brightly. All that was left to do was Izzy arriving which was why Clary had set off to help her get ready.

*********At the Academy **********

"I am offended that you have gotten ready without me." Clary announced entering her room, where she was keen on helping Izzy the same way Izzy had for her.

Izzy turned, grinning at Clary. She stood up to drag her inside. It was evident that she had a lot of eagerness as to get ready. "Apologies, I already did the hair and makeup but I am very much stumped with the outfit." Izzy admitted having a quick change in emotion as of now she was slightly confused.

"And here I thought you were the outfit expert. That is what I am here for."

"Magnus is, but he is not here so I have you." Izzy replied with a gentle smile.

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