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"This is weird," I said as both me and Tamaki stood on the docks again, "how did this happen? And why us?"

It had been three days. Three days of nothing but seeing our friends 15 years later. Three days of trying to figure out what the hell is happening and failing.

The only good thing is we've been pretty much healed up now.

"I-I don't t-think standing around h-here will help," Tamaki said.

"You're right but it won't stop me from standing here, will it?" I asked, he looked at me nervously before turning as he noticed someone.

"You're out here again?" it was older Amajiki. It's kind of strange, he's been lingering around us like a fly these past days. Like he doesn't want us to just up and disappear.

"Suppose so," I nodded before turning as well, "we need to find someone. The man who did this to us."

"That's why we've got to go now," Amajiki said, "we're going Tartarus."

I shared a look with Tamaki before we both began following him to where a car was waiting. Inside was Togata.

"No older me?" I asked as we slipped into the back seats.

"He's on a job," Togata replied, "so you've got me for the day. Put on your seatbelts. Let's go."

We did as told and sat in silence as Togata drove us away. Me and Tamaki stayed silent while Togata and Amajiki both spoke happily together. It was nothing important, just random small talk that made no sense to me or Tamaki because it was about things from this time.

An hour of driving later, we arrived at Tartarus.

"Lemillion, Suneater and... children..?" a guard greeted us, "what brings you here?"

"We have someone we need to see," Togata replied.

"Have you the forms?" the guard asked, Amajiki pulled out a few sheets of paper and passed them to him. The woman read it over and then nodded before letting us in.

"The guys you're looking for are on lower floor 45," she told us, Togata nodded and we all followed him down some stairs, continuing down flight after flight after flight.

"So many stairs," I stopped walking and let out a sigh, leaning against the rails.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Amajiki said from half a flight down from me, "those things are old and rickety. Wouldn't want you to fall."

"Did you eat takoyaki today?" I asked.

"I did," he nodded.

"Then I'm fine," I said before looking to Tamaki, he nodded as well, "I'm doubly fine... plus you forget that I can fly."

"Can you?!" they all stared at me in surprise.

"What? Have I never completely transformed into the golden phoenix before?" I asked, they shook their head, Tamaki did too, "what about the second transformation?"

"There's a second?" Togata exclaimed.

"Do I just never use my full power at all in my life?" I asked, "am I that much of an idiot?!"

I sighed and rubbed my temples before going to push myself back up but the creaking of the rails behind me made me pause.

"Aren't you coming?" Togata asked.

"Nah, thought I'd just chill here for a bit," I shrugged nonchalantly, the movement causing the rail to creak a bit, they all stared at me, and I sighed, "alright, Tamaki, a little help please."

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