one: "that's disappointing"

790 37 1

Normal: Kat Torres
Bold: Easton Adley



"Is this Kat Torres?"

"Who is this?"

"That depends if you're Kat Torres or not."

"Yeah, that's me. Look I'm not interested in whatever you're selling —"

"I'm not selling anything. Well, unless you count my scintillating conversation skills and extraordinary personality."


"I can guess you're starstruck."

"Who are you?"

"The name is Easton Adley."

"How did you get my phone number? Unless Phoebe gave it to you."

"I do not nor have I ever met a Phoebe in my life."

"Well then how did you get this number?"

"Well, I was walking on the beach with this girl I was wooing quite wonderfully and I tripped over my own feet and fell into the sand. While my date stood there laughing at me, I noticed there was a bottle floating in the water. I reached out and grabbed it, opened it and found a note inside that had this phone number plus the name Kat Torres. I called it and voila, here we are."


"Ah I've struck you speechless again, have I?"

"So is this real? You're actually telling the truth? You're sure Phoebe didn't do this, because this is a very Phoebe-like thing to do."

"I am one hundred and ten percent sure."

"Cool! I did that like five years ago! Where are you right now?"

"Um, my bedroom?"

"No, like where in the world are you? I wanna know how far my bottle got."

"Well I currently live in New York, but I found your bottle in Los Angeles."

"What? That's... Disappointing."

"That I live in New York but am in Los Angeles?"

"No that I dropped the bottle in an LA beach five years ago and it floated like a mile."

"Yeah, that kind of is disappointing."




"This is weird so I'm just gonna go ahead and hang up."

"Yeah that's probably smart."




Here's chapter one! Please drop a comment and a vote if you liked it! It only takes a second but it means the world!

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