five: "i knew this girl named bunny"

567 28 0

Bold: Easton Adley

Italics: Corbin Hendricks


"So how's that chick you've been talking to?"


"Katia? Thought her name was just Kat."

"That stupid, Corbin, why would someone name their kid after an animal."

"Didn't I tell you I knew this girl whose name was Bunny?"

"Her name was Brenda, idiot."

"Eh, same thing. So what's up with her? The 'cat'?"

"Don't call her that, it's weird. And she's cool."

"Cool? That's it?"

"Well... yeah."

"Dude, come on, you've been talking to her for nearly a month now and that's all you gotta say about her? That she's 'cool'?"

"Well it's not like we've been talking nonstop every day. Last time I called her was a few days ago. I've been busy. SHE'S been busy."

"Busy? How are you so busy that you can't spare a few minutes once a day?"

"It's called college, Corbin. And a job. And LIFE. Last time we talked, Kat was getting ready for this date. We didn't talk long."

"Ouch, that must have stung."

"What are you talking about?"

"The date, East. The date."

"You're just spitting words now."

"You'll know what I mean eventually. Sooner or later."

"I think I'm gonna hang up now, Corbin."

"I think that's probably wise."

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