nineteen: "they dont call me easton 'lover boy' adley for nothing"

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Normal: Kat Torres
Bold: Easton Adley


"So I have a proposition. Just hear me out, okay?"

"I'm listening."

"I know we said you were going to come to California for spring break, but there's this track meet in February and I was hoping you could come. It would only be for a few days, and I would go to New York for spring break. My aunt lives in Manhattan, so I would just be twenty minutes away from your dorm."

"Wow. Sounds like you've thought a lot about this."

"I really want you to come to my meet."

"Does this mean I'll get to see you longer?"

"I suppose it does."

"Well. I'll have to talk to my people, by which I mean my mom, but I think this could work. And I'll go buy a bunch of groceries so I get more miles too."

"I wish I could buy groceries with you."

"It's really not an exciting activity."

"I bet it would be with us. Put it on the list of things we have to do in New York. There's this supermarket in Long Island with a parking lot that's perfect for the shopping cart races."

"I don't want to know why you race shopping carts, but I'm in. And when we're in California, I'm taking you to this cute café that overlooks the sea and has the best chocolate croissants in the world."

"Better than Costco?"

"Better than Costco."

"Are you sure? I mean Costco has some pretty great chocolate croissants."

"It's like heaven in your mouth."

"I enjoy heaven being in my mouth. Put it on the list!"

"This is so crazy, you know?"

"Believe me, I know. I wouldn't travel across the country for just any girl."

"Oh Easton, you really do know how to make a girl swoon."

"They don't call me Easton 'Lover Boy' Adley for nothing."

"Who's they and why haven't I met the people who nicknamed you Lover Boy?"

"That's for me to know and you to possibly find out."

"Wait so tell me — what exactly is this meet? Are you gonna race people or like, relay?"

"It's relay, sprints, long distance and hurdles."

"All in one day?"


"Easton, you're like the new Captain America for doing all that at once."

"Meh, it's not so bad. The long distance running might be the hardest though. I tend to give it all as soon as I start."

"I give it none! I haven't run since ninth grade, unless you call jogging to the mailbox 'running'."

"Uh, I don't. How are you in such good shape though?"

"Fast metabolism? Maybe I sweat all the fat away. I dunno, but it's a hot mess inside me. I'm probably going to die at thirty because of all the crap I eat. You know I had two cheeseburgers the other day?"

"I LONG for the day I can eat two cheeseburgers again. Coach has us all on this strict diet until after the meet — it's been salads and protein shakes for the past couple months for me."

"Oh my goodness that sounds like complete torture. When you come to New York, we are SO hitting up McDonald's."

"Put it on the list!"

"I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but are you going to see your family while you're here?"

"Honestly? I don't know. I want to see my brother, for sure. My mom, maybe. My dad — definitely not."

"You could bring your brother with us one day. I'd love to meet him."

"I'd love for you to meet him. I think he would like you."

"I think Nolan will be at my mom's around the same time I'm there. If you want, I could introduce you to both of them?"

"Meet the parents already? Alright, why not. Yes, add both those to the list."

"You know I don't actually have a list, right?"

"You don't? Lemme just get a pen and paper real quick... Okay we're making an official list now."

"'Easton and Katia's List of Adventures. Subsection A: California, subsection B: New York.'"

"Sounds official. I like it."

"Send me a picture of it when it's done."

"Yes ma'am."

Easton and Katia's List of Adventures

Subsection A: California

- Cafe with the really good chocolate croissants

- Meet Nolan and Kat's mom

- Track meet

Subsection B: New York

- Shopping cart racing at supermarket in Long Island

- Meet Owen and Easton's mom (maybe)

- McDonald's (obviously)

"Looks good. I like it."

    "We need way more stuff."

    "Text when we think of something?"


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