thirty-one: "no rest for the wicked"

304 10 4

Normal: Kat Torres
Bold: Easton Adley







kat, im under the impression that you've got something to tell me

Your impression is right

is everything ok?

did anything happen in the two days we haven't seen each other for?

That depends on what you consider EVERYTHING

oh no

what happened

I might have possibly told my dad I wasn't coming home for spring break


And he decided to bring Vanessa and Stephanie to the city

For an entire two weeks

With me

well shit

does that mean I can't see you?

Definitely not

My dad is on crack if he thinks I'm spending my entire break with him and the step family from hell

i take it family bonding isn't going well

It's awful

All Vanessa wants to do is go shopping for designer knock-offs

And Stephanie still hasn't forgiven me for asking if she's okay

well then

i promise i'll keep you as busy as possible so you don't have to see them

I'm just grateful they didn't insist on staying on campus with me

They're getting a hotel a couple minutes away

that will make it so much easier to bring you home at three in the morning

I was not aware you were planning on keeping me out until three in the morning

well i wasn't

but i am now

i have one more thing for the list


get ready for this

*drum roll*

we're going to a rave!

I think I need to see my eye doctor

I'm sorry but did you just say rave


yes i did

You're delusional if you think I'm going to a rave

this is me assuming you don't like raves

You assume correctly

After last time I am never stepping foot in a nightclub again

what happened last time

I was thrown up on by a complete stranger and almost arrested

good god

are you secretly not a dork


Full dork right here


scratch it off the list then

i'll consult corbin and see what other three am fun stuff we can do

Does it have to be at three am?

yes kat

new york is magical at three am

You know what else is magical at three am


no rest for the wicked

Omg no

I thought you were done with this

get hyped for spring break miss torres

it's gonna be legen-

- wait for it -

- dary

Barney Stinson, really?

Next you'll be picking up random chicks in bars and playing have you met ted

and that kids, is how i met your mother



come on, you set yourself up for that one

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