forty-three: "you're not strong enough to resist their pot of gold"

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Bold: Easton Adley
Italics: Corbin Hendricks


Today 6:26 pm

you better not get kidnapped by a leprechaun

i will not get kidnapped by a leprechaun

you say that now but they are a very convincing species

they have a pot of gold remember

corbin i'm concerned that you're not strong enough to resist their pot of gold

you know we're going to scotland not ireland right

there are no leprechauns in scotland

but they're still so close

omg corbin


the loch ness monster is in scotland

is this how dumb i sound

normally yes

it's okay

i'm not actually worried about you

thank you

i am a full grown man

i can take care of myself


i'm not worried because you have genevieve

she'll make sure you aren't kidnapped or eaten

she is strong enough to resist the pot of gold

fuck off mate

isn't it weird that we're not gonna be together this summer

this hasn't happened since pre-k


we're growing up man

we're embarking on our own romantic endeavors

you won't even be in cali next year bro

who's gonna be me and gen's third wheel now

no  one wants to be a third wheel

maybe scott

fuck scott

i'm gonna miss you buddy

did you add buddy just to make it more manly



i'll miss you too


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