4th. Magic Knights entrance Exam

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-four months later-

It was the day that every candidate waited for, to be selected as the magic knight and serve for their kingdom as part of the respective magic knight squad member.

"Miss. (Y/n)! What are you wearing? People will think you're a commoner from some distant town. Why don't you wear your formal dress?" The Mushroom-head bargained with the said moody girl who was untangling her (h/l) hair and scowled at him through her reflection.

You wear this outfit

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You wear this outfit. Or you can imagine your own outfit.

"I don't wanna wear that in front of so many clueless people. Plus, what's the problem with this outfit? I'm totally comfortable in this so don't waste your time on me to change it. Now go back and do your work." (Y/n) shooed him away by waving her hand in dismiss.

"Seriously. . . You love to fool people around by hiding your identity, didn't you? No wonder you're the adopted daughter of the wizard king who snuck out of castle deliberately to wander around and fool people by disguising himself and you're no less than him."

(Y/n) finished styling her hair in her casual (hairstyle) then turned to look at him with a smug face. "At least we don't draw extra attention and show-off like some spoiled royalties or nobles. In this way, we can collect more information easily."

"I understand it come in handy when going out on missions and spying around but you're supposed to be representing as an assistant for Magic Knights Captains. You're a special guest to watch over the candidates and pass your judgment with Captains, today!"

(Y/n) just rolled her eyes and walked passed him. "That doesn't mean I have to show-off my fancy outfits to reveal that I'm the representative for Captains assistance and Wizard King. I'll be late if I continue this pointless argument."

Marx sighed in defeat, "I'm just worried that people might mistake you as a commoner or a low level mage and start bully you. . ."

She stood before the door as her back was facing Marx. "well, thanks for your concern. . ." she glanced back at him with small smirk. "But you should know that nobody can bully me."

-At Magic Knights exam venue-

  -At Magic Knights exam venue-

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