11th. Selfish Revenge

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Hi guys! How are you doing you all?(。・ω・。) I hope you guys are enjoying reading this fanfic.
This is an early update! (A small gift from me~(^з^)-♡) because I probably won't be able to update this weekend because of upcoming final test on Monday. I'll be quite busy preparing for my test -and the thesis that I need to complete before submission ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ - I'm kinda nervous... (Then again, who the hell won't?! That's the Annual test we're talking about!)
Well, that's the reason.( ̄~ ̄;)
See you guys next weekend~! And wish me luck for the Viva!
( ̄w ̄)ノ ~Robyn


"Well done, Yuno. You really saved me back there."

They landed in the forest to avoid anymore attacks from those bandits and getting any extra attention.

(Y/n) was glad that she don't have to sit with Salim anymore. She quickly stood beside Mimosa attempting to ignore Salim.

"Well, so efficiently, that was impressive. I didn't even have to cast my 'holy rising lightening Salim' spell." He started as he walked towards Yuno who simply looked at him bluntly.

"My interest in you is already have peaked. Oh, wait. I have an idea! Why don't we pay a quick visit to that village of yours?"

That's when (Y/n)'s suspicion arise as she glanced at Salim quizzically.

"It would be fascinating to see where you're raised. I wonder if it was the environment you grow up in that makes you so powerful."

'Eh. I don't like the sound of that idea. What's he planning?' (Y/n) thought while she glared at Salim without his notice.

"Pardon Sir! But that'll require quite a detour. Also, there's risk. Like we've all seen that. We don't know what is waiting for us. Now please, let's make straight to heart kingdom-"

"It doesn't matter who might attack us, because I have you three magic knights on my side to protect me. Also, another four-leaf clover grimoire holder. Right?"

"Uh, yes. But still, sir. A noble visiting a commoner's village is-"

"Oh please, we're only stopping by. Besides, Yuno must be eager to see everyone from the church since he's been away for long, right Yuno?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Aw, now now. Then, shall we go?"

"Okay, Sir." Klaus finally agreed with Salim and casted his transport magic again.

(Y/n) glanced over to Yuno and sighed slightly before keeping her eyes on Salim while thinking. They jumped back into the chariot made of steel magic. She stood behind Klaus this time and refused to sit with Salim.

They arrived at the Hage village and saw a giant skull of the demon with a statue of the first wizard king on top.

"Woah. It's certainly huge! And I assume the statue over there is the first wizard king's statue, right?"

"Yeeeah. . ." (Y/n) dragged the word, replying bluntly while looking ahead. "Now come to think of it. Where can we find your church, Yuno?"

"Right there." Yuno replied shortly and they could see a small church nearby the fields.

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