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You spooned some more soup into your mouth, listening as your father griped about the news. You were sitting at the kitchen table with your parents, eating dinner and just talking as a family. It was something your mother insisted on, even though you would much rather be upstairs streaming. 

"What about you, Y/N?" Your mum asked. "Anything new at school. Or online?"

You stirred your spoon in your soup. You'd been debating back and forth whether you should tell your parents about Tommy, but hanging out with someone from the internet was one thing, and dating them was another. And you weren't quite sure how your father would react about you dating anyone, much less someone he had never met and someone that cursed freely in his streams. 

"Not much really." You ended up saying. "I have a maths quiz at the end of the week."

"You should set aside some time to study." Your father said, drinking from his soup bowl. "If you do well enough on this test, do you think you can push your C up to a B?"

"Maybe, I don't know." You said. 

"Either way, you should make sure you do your best." Your mother said. 

"Right." You said, finishing off your soup. "Can I be excused to go back upstairs?" 

"Homework or YouTube?" Your father asked.

"Homework." You lied. Your father nodded and you picked up your empty bowl, putting it in the sink before you disappeared back upstairs. Closing the door to your room, you flopped on the bed. You did actually have homework to do, but you also had editing to do and wanted to grind a little on the SMP. You were running low on food now that your farm was at your old house and you were living in the castle Tommy had built.

All those plans were set aside thought when your phone started to buzz, Tommy's name coming up on the screen.

You answered it immediately. "Hi."

"Hi." Tommy replied. "I, uh - are you doing anything right now?"

"No." You said, rolling onto your back to look up at the ceiling with a smile. "I was just going to do some editing or maybe log onto the SMP and rebuild my farm by the castle. But nothing pressing."

Something shifted on the other end of the line. "I'm sorry about the stream earlier." 

"What about it?" You asked. 

"That I didn't tell you I was streaming and that everyone in my chat kind of knows about... us, now." Tommy said. "I probably should have asked if you were okay with whatever we have going on being public knowledge. I'm sorry."

Your heart squeezed at how thoughtful this boy was. 

"Tommy, it's alright." You said. "It was going to happen eventually anyway. I'm fine, I was just surprised in the moment."

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked. "You sounded upset-"

"I'm sure." You said. 

"Right." Tommy said. "I just wanted to make sure."

"You're so sweet." You said. 

"I was under the impression that I was just being a good member of the human race, but I'll take it." Tommy said. 

You laughed. "Am I not allowed to call you sweet?"

"Absolutely not."  Tommy said. "I'm a very huge man, there is nothing 'sweet' or 'cute' about me, I could crush a skull with my bare hands if I wanted to."

You chuckled again. "I guess I can't call you adorable either? Shame." It really was. You hadn't stopped thinking about his fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes since you had gone to visit him. 

"I-" Tommy paused. "No that's acceptable because it's true."

"Cocky, cocky." You clicked your tongue. 

"What?" Tommy said. "I'm adorable, and I know it." 

"And to think that I was prepared to be the confident one in this relationship." You said. 

"This is a relationship then?" Tommy asked. 

The light teasing mood shifted into something more serious and you shifted on the bed, laying your phone next to you and tucking your hands behind your head. 

"I mean, if you wanted it to be." You said. "I didn't know what-"

"Yes." Tommy interrupted. "Yeah. I would love to date you." 

"That was quick." You said. Your chest exploded with butterflies. He hadn't even hesitated to respond, like he had been thinking about it beforehand. Of course, you had been thinking about it as well, but you hadn't been one hundred percent sure Tommy would be on the same page as you. Turned out, you'd been worrying for nothing. 

"Well, I mean... it's not like I'm going to say I don't want to date you." Tommy said. "For Christ's sake, we snogged on my bed for hours-"

You laughed, laying an arm over your eyes. "Don't say it like that." The butterflies traveled from your chest to your stomach as you remembered that afternoon, the feeling of Tommy's lips on yours and the way his hands had gripped the small of your back. The memories from that day had fueled much of your daydreaming and fantasizing since. 

Tommy laughed as well, but more at you than at the phrasing he had used. "Why, what's wrong with the way I said it? That's what happened-"

You broke out into a fit of giggles. "You make it sound so crude."

"Sorry, sorry." Tommy said. "Would you prefer kissed like some sort of American-"

You laughed again. The line fell silent for a moment, and you just laid on your bed, listening to Tommy breathe. You imagined him laying next to you, feet dangling off the edge of the bed, hands resting behind his head, just smiling. For a second it was almost real. 

"I should probably let you get back to what you were doing." Tommy said. 

You frowned. "Oh."

"Unless you don't want to?" He asked.

"Well," You said. "I would rather just talk to you. You know, my boyfriend."

Tommy was quiet for a second. 

"Tommy?" You asked. 

"Say it again."

"What?" You laughed. "Say what again."

"The last thing you said." Tommy said. "The last word."

"Boyfriend?" You said. "You're my boyfriend?"

"I rather like that." Tommy said. 

You just laughed, a giddy feeling building in your chest. 

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