Chapter 1

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HELLOOOOO :D Firstly, I still don't own Glee. Secondly, this is a sequel to Sideways. Thank you again to everyone who read it and if you haven't, it might be easier to understand this if you've read it. I didn't plan on posting this for a while, because I only have two chapters written, but Rebecca (m-arvel on tumblr) wore me down :P I might not get to update as often as I did with Sideways for a while, but I'll get back into it soon.

This chapter is nothing too big, just an idea of how they are now and sort of an inclination to what might happen to them ;)

The title comes from Anywhere but Here by Safety Suit ( /watch?v=dwyZ1tuWHLs) and that will make sense as it goes on. Thanks again to Rebecca, my song guru for helping me with this.

The song at the beginning of this chapter is Tonight I Love You by The Latency ( /watch?v=ad3RM9HCt-8) (thank you, Rebecca) and I was smiling so hard because it fit so well.

Anyway, this was a long note and I'm nervous about people reading this, but hopefully you like it :)

Jamie x

It's a beautiful night and I'm opened up,
The look in your eyes says so much,
Nothing can touch us out here.


Kurt Hummel walked into the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend on Monday morning at around 7AM. Blaine was asleep in their bed, his bare back facing Kurt. His entire front was covered, but the covers only covered the back of his body from about his mid-thigh downwards. A small lick of light slipped through the blinds and left a sheen all across his sallow skin. Kurt smiled and his stomach filled with those familiar butterflies that seemed to only appear in Blaine's presence. They'd known each other for almost two years now and that feeling never got old.

Kurt moved forward and threw himself down onto the bed and down onto Blaine, who groaned loudly.

"Time to get up," Kurt told him, pressing a small kiss to his temple.

Blaine groaned again, then muttered something that resembled 'I don't want to'. Kurt chuckled and trailed his hand downwards until it reached Blaine's lower back. He moved it lower, very slowly, until his fingers reached the top of Blaine's ass, then he slid his fingers down the crack and a small groan escaped Blaine's lips. Kurt went lower and lower until he found his tight entrance. He flicked a finger over it and Blaine moaned and pushed himself against Kurt's hand. Kurt slid another finger down, rubbed across his hole a little, then removed his hand entirely and Blaine's head shot around in protest.

"You can't just—"

"Oh, but I just did," Kurt grinned.

"Not fair," Blaine grumbled.

Kurt chuckled, then leaned across and placed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips, before climbing off the bed. "It's almost 7AM," he told Blaine as he went to the mirror to examine his hair.

"Which gives us just enough time for a blow job, right?" Blaine asked, hopefully, as he pushed himself up in the bed.

"No," Kurt smiled, smoothening the side of his hair down. "Which gives you just enough time for a shower."

"Oh," Blaine said, sounding disappointed, then he brightened up. "Want to join me?"

"Tempting," Kurt smiled, turning around to face him. "But I already showered."

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