Chapter 22

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I own nothing. The sad ones are always really fun for me to write. IDK maybe that makes me a potential serial killer lol but yeah, I liked writing this one :) The song at the start of this is I Won't Let You Go by James Morrison (youtube dot com /watch?v=OjQhVP5vPl8) and I really love this song. My mother used to blast this around the house (lol) and I used to like, not take much notice and one day I was having Klaine feels and we were in the car and she had it on repeat and I was, like, sobbing because it is such a Klaine song. And then I tried to write this death fic based on it and I only did one chapter and abandoned it lol but yes. This song is epic and makes me cry. Proceed :)

If your sky is falling,
Just take my hand and hold it,
You don't have to be alone,
I won't let you go.

And if you feel the fading of the light,
And you're too weak to carry on the fight,
And all your friends that you count on have disappeared,
I'll be here, not gone, forever, holding on.


They boarded their flight a few hours later after Finn had called his mom to find out what was happening. Burt was still unconscious. It seemed that it was a repeat of his first heart attack. Kurt hadn't said much. Blaine had packed him a bag while Finn and Rachel booked flights and then they had gone straight to the airport. Santana stayed home and said she might follow in a couple of days. Blaine knew she wanted to see Brittany, but she looked genuinely concerned for Kurt.

Blaine slid into the seat next to Kurt and they fastened their seatbelts. Kurt took his hand and then stared out the window. He hadn't done any more crying, but Blaine could see him falling apart and he didn't know how to comfort him. He supposed being near Burt would make him feel better, somewhat.

When they were in the air, Blaine turned and looked at Kurt. He watched as he blinked slowly, eyes trained on the clouds outside. He looked fragile and young and Blaine just wanted to make all the hurt go away.

"Hey," Blaine said after a while.

Kurt turned to look at him, eyes wide. He still looked dazed. Blaine didn't really know what to say, so he just reached out and Kurt leaned into him. He rested his head against Blaine's chest and Blaine wrapped an arm around him, not caring that a couple of people were watching them with wide eyes. Blaine pressed a kiss to the top of Kurt's head.

"We'll be there soon, baby," Blaine whispered. "We'll get through this."

"We?" Kurt whispered. It was the first word he'd said in a while.

"Of course," Blaine assured him. "It's both of us or neither, right?"

"Guess so," Kurt answered.

"No guess so about it," Blaine urged. "I'm here for you, for whatever you need."

"I love you," Kurt told him, sighing and relaxing a little in Blaine's grip.

"I love you, too," Blaine replied. "Your dad will pull through this. You'll see."

"You think?"

"I really do," Blaine told him. "He did it before, didn't he?"

Kurt nodded.

"Well then," Blaine said. "He can do it again."

Kurt nodded again and took Blaine's hand in both of his. They were silent for the remainder of the flight.


"Mom," Finn said when they reached the right floor of the hospital.

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