Chapter 2

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I still don't own Glee, but if I did, it would be called Klaine and not Glee. Okay, so thank you so much for the reviews in the first chapter, I wasn't expecting that at all. The song in this chapter is Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran ( /watch/?v=bNym5jZf7V8&feature=related). I actually found this song all by myself for once yaaaaay cheers! This isn't as angsty as I'd like, actually, there isn't any angst, really, it's smut/fluff, but the angst is coming soon, thank God. :)

And then you lie with me 'til I fall asleep,
And flutter eyelash on my cheek between the sheets,
And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me,
But maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up.

You just need to breathe to feel my heart against yours now,
Against yours now,
'Cause maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up,
Or maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up,
Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up.


"You're home early," Blaine said, rushing to the front door, his heart hammering in his chest. "Why are you home early?"

Kurt dropped his bag to the side, then blinked up at Blaine a couple of times, before saying, "Um, because I heard you set our kitchen on fire." He began walking towards the kitchen, to inspect the damage.

"No!" Blaine said, reaching out to pull him back.


Kurt didn't get to ask what Blaine was doing because Blaine kissed him. Kurt tried to pull back, but Blaine deepened the kiss and just as he always did, Kurt melted in his arms and simply gave in, marvelling in the his boyfriend's warmth, his scent, his everything. When they finally broke apart, they smiled at one another.

"What are you hiding?" Kurt asked, still smiling, his arms wrapped loosely around Blaine's neck.

"Hiding?" Blaine exclaimed, like it was the craziest thing Kurt could have come up with. "What could I possibly be hiding?"

"You set our kitchen on fire," Kurt told him, matter-of-factly. "Rachel said so."

"I did not," Blaine shook his head. "I was making toast and the toaster caught fire. Rachel was exaggerating."

Kurt hummed a little, then sighed. "Okay," he said, removing his arms and going around Blaine, towards their bedroom. "I'm just going to—"

"No!" Blaine said, pulling Kurt back again. He raised one eyebrow at Blaine. "Why don't you, um—go upstairs and hang out with Finn for a while?" Blaine asked, hopefully. That probably wasn't the best idea he had ever had, but he just needed Kurt out of the apartment, just for a little while.

Kurt tilted his head to the side, then seemed to take a deep breath, before exhaling and saying, "Are you cheating on me?"

Blaine spluttered, because that was the craziest thing Kurt could have come up with. "Are you kidding?" he asked, incredulously, but Kurt did not appear to be kidding. "No, that's—Kurt. That's completely ridiculous. You're nuts. I'm not cheating on you, I promise. You can even check the bedrooms."

"I'll take your word for it," Kurt said, with a sigh, but he looked relieved, his shoulders slumping a little. "Fine. I'll go upstairs and hang out with Finn and try not to think about the fact that you just kicked me out of our home."

Kurt was smiling, however, which caused Blaine to smile. He liked when Kurt referred to it as their 'home'. It made him feel safe, happy. Kurt felt like home, they felt real and perfect and when he was with Kurt, he felt as if everything was right and that nothing could go wrong. Kurt was home and when Kurt merged the two of them together in any way, it made Blaine's inside sings.

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