Chapter 20

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I own nothinggg. Okay. I had fun with the start of this one lol. I don't have a song, because I'm not sure there's a song about running around New York trying to find your boyfriend, who is with a possibly crazed lunatic. But who knows? :P


They rode the elevator down and Blaine continued to dial Kurt's number over and over, but he wasn't picking up. Something felt off and maybe he was overreacting, but he didn't want to take any chances, not when Kurt's safety might be at risk.

"Will you quit doing that?"

Blaine blinked across at Santana. "Doing what?"

"Quit bouncing and sighing," she said. "It's driving me nuts."

"Sorry," he exhaled. "I'm going to kill him if he's done anything—"

"Shut up, Anderson."

The elevator stopped and they walked out and instead of heading for the door, Santana turned left.

"Where are you going?"

"Just come on, Blaine."

Blaine followed her, still redialling Kurt's number, but it didn't look as if he would be picking up any time soon. He groaned and Santana told him to shut up again and then she stopped outside a door.

"What the—"

"Blue's Clues was, like, sleeping with the nutjob, right?"

"Um, I don't think they were—"

"Anderson!" Santana said, sighing tiredly. "Do you want to find Ladyface or not?"

"Of course, but—"

"Then shut your trap and let me handle this," she said, then thumped on the door with her fist.

There was a loud bang and then someone swearing, followed by some shuffling sounds, then the door opened slightly.

"Open the door, asshole."

Sebastian groaned and opened the door the rest of the way. He was shirtless and had his pants on backwards. His hair was stuck to his forehead and he looked a little flushed. Santana pushed past him and Blaine followed.

"You best be sweating like that because you've got a boy in your bed, because I'm gonna have all kinds of nightmares if you're like this from doing shit by yourself," Santana said, folding her arms.

Sebastian looked annoyed. "I'm kind of busy," he said.

"Your boy toy can wait," she said. "By the looks of things, he already got off."

Sebastian followed her line of sight down to his chest and unfortunately, Blaine did, too. Sebastian cursed and grabbed some tissue paper from the kitchen counter, then wiped his chest off. Blaine wished he could wipe his memory clean, too.

"So, what do you want?" he asked, throwing the tissues in the bin. "Where's the third bear? Or maybe he's Goldilocks."

"Can you shut up?" Santana asked. "I realise you love the sound of your own voice, but seriously, shut it. The sooner you give us what we want, the sooner you can go back to screwing the gay prostitute, or whatever."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and leaned back against the counter. "What exactly could you possibly want from me?"

"We need to know where Crazy Colton lives," Santana told him. "And since you spent most of your time sucking him off, we figured you must have spent some nights at his place. You know. Letting him fuck you."

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