Chapter 9

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This ended up being really long, but I liked writing it and I think I'm happier with the direction it's going in now, because I wasn't for a while. I own nothing, obviously. The song is Kiss Me Slowly, by Parachute ( /watch?v=3JASDXBvZTw&feature=relmfu). 

I can see you there with the city lights,
Fourteenth floor, pale blue eyes,
I can breathe you in.

Two shadows standing by the bedroom door,
No, I could not want you more,
Then I did right then,
As our heads leaned in.

Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin,
When the time comes,
Baby, don't run,
Just kiss me slowly.


"What do you mean he didn't come home?" Kurt demanded, feeling as if ice water was being poured down his back.

Santana shrugged. "He said he was going for a walk," she told him. "But that was, uh, let's see.. five hours ago?"

Kurt's eyes widened and his legs gave way. "Oh, God, Santana," he exhaled, falling down onto the sofa. "Do you think he's okay? What if something's happened to him? Oh, God. I'll never forgive myself if anything—"

"Hummel!" Santana said, shaking him a bit. He blinked up at her. "Shut up. He's a big boy—well, technically untrue, but you know what I mean. He can take care of himself. Chillax."

"How can I 'chillax' when my boyfriend is missing—"

"Okay," Santana said, sitting down. "You are such a freakin' drama queen. Anderson is not missing. He's out, which makes a change, since he's always in. Maybe it'll do him good."

Kurt groaned. His mind was working over time. Where in the world would Blaine have gone? He hadn't made a bunch of friends that he could turn to. He didn't really know anyone and like Santana said, he hardly ever went out unless it was absolutely necessary. Kurt wondered if maybe he had gone out with someone else, maybe just to prove that no one else was right for him.

"Stop that," Santana said.

Kurt looked at her, blankly. "Stop what?"

"Stop making up crazy scenarios in that gay head of yours," she said, rolling her dark eyes again. "Look," she took her cell out of her pocket. "I'll call him."

Kurt nodded quickly, wondering why he hadn't thought to do that first. His hands were shaking too badly anyway. He watched Santana, hoping against hope that Blaine would pick up, but the look on her face told him that it had gone straight to voicemail. Kurt found the strength to stand up.

"Where are you going?" Santana asked, as he headed for the door.

"To look for him."

She ran to him and grabbed his arm. "Hummel," she said, tiredly, pulling him round to face her. "Look, we don't have any idea where he is, so looking for him isn't really an option. Maybe we could ask people if they've seen him. You go upstairs and talk to Finn and Rachel and I'll go ask Smythe."

"Sebastian isn't home," Kurt told her. "I saw him at Starbucks."

"Oh," she said. "Well, thank God for that, because I definitely don't want to talk to that asshole. Let's go up and see Berry and manboobs."


Getting Rachel involved had been a terrible idea. She had cried, which only made matters worse. Kurt felt sick and he wanted to go out and look for him, but Santana was right. it was dark and cold and they had no idea where he could have gone. Kurt and Santana ended up back in the apartment, just waiting. Santana made some phone calls to people they knew from college, but nobody had seen Blaine. Kurt just paced the floor, conjuring up more awful scenarios. He had tried to stop, but his brain seemed to do its own thing.

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