Chapter 21

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I own nothing. This is a bit shorter than some of the others, but I needed to end it there. Sort of fluffy and fun and then ANGST. I feel really horrible for doing this, but this has been the plan for a long time and sometimes, you just have to make them hurt, y'know?


"How can one person be so difficult to buy for?" Kurt groaned, as he and Blaine made their way down the street back to their apartment.

Blaine grabbed his hand, the one that wasn't holding several shopping bags.

"You should try shopping for you," he told Kurt.

Kurt smiled and elbowed him gently. "We're going to be late."

"Yes," Blaine said, "and fashionably so. It is you and I after all."

"We are rather fabulous, aren't we?" Kurt joked.

"Absolutely," Blaine agreed. "We should probably hurry back, though. Just in case she's turned our home into some kind of strip club. And I don't think Santana's idea of a good strip club would appeal to either of us."

Kurt shook his head. "I feel like the mother of a rebellious teenager," he said and Blaine laughed. "Do you ever think about the fact that you had girlfriends and laugh about it? I mean, you're pretty gay."

"I'm pretty and gay," Blaine teased. "I don't think about it that often. I think back to who I was before us and it's like I don't even know that kid, the kid that I was back then."

Kurt gave his hand a squeeze. "I don't think that kid was ever really you. This is the real you. You just didn't know you were allowed to be the real you, that's all."

"Sorry I ever hurt you." Blaine looked down.

"You honestly need to stop beating yourself up over that," Kurt told him, squeezing his hand. "We are absolutely fine now, right? Me graduated, you done with your freshman year, everything is pretty perfect right?"

Blaine smiled. He had finished with school the week previously and Kurt had graduated the same week. The time seemed to be flying by. It felt like not so long ago that they had returned to Ohio for Burt and Carole's wedding. Blaine could hardly believe it had been five months.

"Yes," he told Kurt. "Yes, everything is absolutely perfect."

Kurt grinned. "Good," he said. "Now let's hurry back before she does anything crazy."


"I'm going to kill her," Kurt exhaled when they walked through the door and found several people drinking and dancing. "She said a small thing. This is not small."

Blaine shook his head. "How does she even know so many people here?"

Kurt groaned and went off to find Santana. He pushed through the crowds and ignored the complaints. Santana didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. He did, however, spot Sebastian.

"Where's Santana?" he shouted over the loud music.

"What?" Sebastian asked.

"Where. Is. Santana?" he asked, louder this time.

Sebastian shrugged. "How the hell would I know?"

Kurt muttered under his breath, then went to her bedroom door. He banged on it loudly.


He couldn't hear if anyone was inside, so he turned the door handle, but it was locked. He swore and banged on it again. A few seconds later, the door opened and Santana came out, laughing and adjusting her short dress. Kurt saw a glimpse of another girl before she shut the door over.

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