Chapter 3

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I still don't own Glee. Okay, bringing in the old angst now :) I mean, the next part will be more angsty, but it's kicking off a bit here. It was really hard to find a song for this one and even my little song guru Rebecca had trouble, but I just found Broken by Lighthouse ( /watch?v=SXUgexNrlMM&feature=fvwrel) Anyway, yes, read on :)

I'm falling apart,
I'm barely breathing,
With a broken heart,
That's still beating.


Blaine walked through the door after class on Friday and found Kurt on the couch next to a guy who looked like he belonged in a band from the 70s. His hair was shaped perfectly around the top of his head and he dressed like a little kid on Christmas day, whose grandma was coming to visit, so he had to look pristine. They both looked up at Blaine and he smiled.

"Hey," he said, happily.

"Hey, babe," Kurt said, smiling back. "This is Colton," he said and Blaine nodded, because Kurt had told him about this Colton kid he was tutoring and how he felt bad for him and how he was the worst student on earth ("and I've helped Finn with his homework in the past"). "Colton Fisher, this is my boyfriend, Blaine Anderson."

Blaine went closer and offered Colton a hand. He looked terrified as he reached up and took it, then gave it a weak shake. Kurt had been right, he was really weird.

"Nice to meet you," Blaine said and Kurt was stifling a laugh next to Colton. "I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" Colton asked, suddenly, looking alarmed, his dark eyes locked on Blaine. "Kurt told you about me?"

"Um, yeah," Blaine said, carefully, eyes flicking over to Kurt for some kind of support, because this Colton guy was certainly.. interesting, to say the very least.

"We tell each other everything, Colton, it's nothing to worry about," Kurt assured him.

"Well, nice meeting you, Colton," Blaine grinned. "I'll just make myself scarce until you guys are done."

He went around the back of the couch and gave Kurt's shoulder a light squeeze as he passed.

"Where's Santana?" Kurt asked, placing a hand lightly over Blaine's.

"She said she'd be home later," Blaine informed him, as Colton stared down at his shoes, looking as if there was a snake by his feet.

"Okay," Kurt smiled and gave Blaine's hand a pat, before letting go. "We're almost done here."

Blaine smiled back and went into their bedroom to get some work done. It was fifteen minutes later when Blaine walked outside to get a drink from the refrigerator. When he opened the door, both Kurt and Colton looked up at him expectantly.

"Don't mind me," Blaine said and Kurt smiled and looked back down, but Colton's dark eyes lingered and made Blaine a little uncomfortable. He opened the refrigerator door and took a can of Coke from the top shelf. "You guys want anything?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks," Kurt told him.


Colton shook his head, not raising his eyes to look at Blaine. Blaine looked across at them for a moment. Colton was really odd. He was looking down at the book in front of him while Kurt explained something to him, his eyes wide and frightened looking, his jaw set. Kurt reached across and took a pen from Colton and their hands brushed and Colton's face filled with colour and Blaine understood.

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