Chapter 12

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I own nothing. Obviously. Unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately. Anyway, this didn't go the way it was supposed to, but I think I prefer how it did turn out. The song is I Swear, This Time I Mean It, which I also used in Sideways, but it works here and you'll see why. ( /watch?v=KN-uo02mxoQ). So, yeah, it wasn't supposed to go like this, but Blaine wanted it to, so it was beyond my control :P 

I won't let you down,
I swear, this time I mean it.


Blaine stayed in Kurt's old room for the remainder of the night. Kurt had gone upstairs and come back down a few times to check he was doing okay. He still hadn't told him anything and while he really wanted to know, he wouldn't push, because Blaine would tell him when he was ready.

Kurt woke up the next morning and Blaine was already awake. He was simply staring into space, eyes on the ceiling above. Kurt twisted around to face him and eyed him for a few seconds.

"Hi," Blaine said, eyes still on the ceiling.

"Hey," Kurt said, inching closer. He placed a light kiss to Blaine's smooth shoulder. "What time is it?"

"About 7AM," Blaine informed him, finally turning his head to look at Kurt. He smiled and Kurt's heart dipped, just as it always did.

"Feeling any better?"

Blaine shrugged. "I feel confused," he admitted. "I'll be okay."

"Just okay," Kurt said.

"Just okay," Blaine repeated. "So, today's the big day."

Kurt smiled. His dad and Carole were getting married today. "I'm scared I've forgotten something."

"You haven't," Blaine assured him. "You've read that list off a hundred times. Check it over once more and you're good to go."

Kurt laughed, quietly. "If you're not up to going, it's okay. My dad will understand. You can just hang out around the house. I'll call you, keep you company."

Blaine shook his head immediately. "No," he said. "No, of course I'm coming. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Kurt smiled again, leaned over and kissed Blaine's cool lips, then pushed himself up and climbed out of the bed to get his list.


Blaine helped Kurt do his tie up, because he was far too nervous to do it himself. Blaine smiled, because it was as if Kurt himself was getting married and not his dad. He had checked his list a dozen times at least that day alone and Blaine kept assuring him he had everything under control and the whole thing would be a huge success.

And it was. The entire ceremony was beautiful and Blaine was insanely proud of his boyfriend for organising everything single handedly. Once at the reception, he pulled him aside, even though he wasn't up to doing much talking.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, blue eyes going wide.

Blaine gave him a smile, to assure him nothing was wrong. "Nothing at all," he told him. "I just wanted to tell you I'm so proud of you. Everything looks amazing and I knew the moment that I laid eyes on you for the very first time that you were special, but you continue to amaze me every single day."

Kurt was beaming at him, his smile all teeth, small crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes from the stretch of his lips. "I love you," Kurt told him. "And thank you. It means so much to me that you approve of all this. And that you came, because I know things aren't easy right now, but you're still here for me. And I promise I won't make you say hi to too many family members or anything. I'll give you space, but I expect you to dance with me."

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