Chapter 24

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I own nothing. Thank you for not throwing anything at me for the last one (well, there was a chair and a rose, I think, but nothing too damaging lol). Most people figured out why Kurt did what he did and thankfully, no one was too hard on him. The song is The Last Something that Meant Anything (youtube dot com/watch?v=1vaB3VXNJmA&feature=related) , by Mayday Parade and I'm pretty sure Rebecca sent me this ages ago and I just never used it, so thank you to her once again.

Also, klaineficspdf have turned the first 23 chapters into a pdf (likechildreninafairytale dot tumblr dot com/tagged/anywhere-but-here), so huge thank you to them!

It's called break up,
'cause it's broken.


When Blaine walked into the kitchen the next morning, Kurt was already there, eating a bowl of cereal. He'd stayed in one of the empty upstairs bedrooms the previous night. Kurt's eyes dropped when Blaine walked in, but he continued eating.

"'Morning," Blaine muttered, sitting down across from him.

Kurt gave him a small nod.

"Did you, uh, sleep okay?"

Kurt looked up at him. "Not really."

Blaine felt instantly guilty for leaving him by himself. He let out a shaky breath.

"Have you heard anything? From the hospital?"

Kurt shook his head. He pushed the coffee pot towards Blaine. Blaine muttered a thanks and they sat there in silence for far too long and then Kurt spoke.

"I was thinking about taking a walk," he told Blaine. "Just think about things. About everything. I just need clear my head a little bit."

Blaine nodded.

"Okay," he said. "Yeah. Did you.. Did you want to go by yourself, or..?"

"I.." Kurt began. "I thought maybe you could come with me. If you wanted to."

"Sure," Blaine said, nodding. He was surprised.

"I was thinking I'd go to the hospital first and just see my dad and then go," he told Blaine.

"Okay," Blaine said, because he wasn't sure what else to say. "I'll go get dressed and we can leave whenever you're ready."

"Okay," Kurt said. It seemed he didn't know what else to say either.


Kurt went inside the room, leaving Blaine outside. His dad was in the exact same position, no change whatsoever. Kurt sat down in the familiar chair and took his dad's hand, just as he did every morning. This morning, however, he felt worse than ever. He felt so conflicted and torn and he wished he had his dad to tell him what to do.

Kurt sighed and looked at his father's unmoving face.

"Please wake up, daddy," he whispered, quietly. He hadn't called his father 'daddy' since his mom had died. "I need you," he said, a small sob escaping him. "I need you, dad."


"So, you and Brittany," Blaine said. "You never told me what's going on there."

Santana sat back in the plastic chair and folded her arms.

"Not much, hobbit," she told him. "She's been calling, asking how Hummel's doing, but we haven't really talked Maybe when all this blows over we'll talk, but right now, it just feels...wrong, I guess."

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