Chapter 14

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I own nothing. 

This chapter is still in Ohio, but after the next one, it'll be back to New York. :) I would have liked if this chapter was longer, but it worked out this way and it had to end where it did etc., but the next one will be longer. Also, the song lyrics are from I Belong to You by Parachute Band ( /watch?v=CatsH8epAmU), which may, or may not be about God, but it works with their relationship, so go with it :P

I belong to you,
Yes, I belong to you.

I know you're everything,
You're all I'll ever need,
I know you're everything to me.

You caught my soul when I was struggling to breathe.
You made me whole.


Kurt opened the front door and found Santana standing there. He opened his mouth to say hello, but she pushed past him and walked inside. Kurt raised an eyerow and shut the door, then turned and looked at her.

"Oh, just ask me, Hummel," she said, rolling her dark eyes.

Kurt sighed. "Blaine's in the kitchen," he told her. "He'll want to know, too."

Kurt walked towards the kitchen and Santana followed. Blaine looked up when they walked in. He didn't smile.

"Hey," he greeted Santana. "How'd it go with Brittany?"

"See, that's what I like about Anderson," Santana said, grinning, "how he's always so blunt and straight to the point. Now that I think about it, that's the only straight thing about him, isn't it?"

Kurt knew she was using her biting humour to avoid the question, which probably meant it hadn't gone well. She sat down beside Blaine and Kurt sat the other side of him.

"What happened?" Blaine asked.

Santana sighed. "I told her how I felt and that I was totally out and not hiding it any more and basically the gist of it is that she said she can't just leave Artie—that she won't leave him." She shrugged, like it didn't bother her, but her face indicated otherwise. "It's whatever," she said. "Plenty more fish in the sea, right? Whatever the hell that means.."

"Artie is the wheelchair guy, right?" Blaine said, like he was trying to remember correctly.

"Yeah, the one you and Puckerman used to throw down the back staircase every other day," Santana informed him.

Kurt frowned. Blaine looked uncomfortable. He didn't like talking about, or being reminded of his bullying days.

"Yeah, yeah, Anderson," Santana said, rolling her eyes, "don't give me that look. I know you're a reformed man or whatever. I'm just sayin'."

Kurt sighed. "You'll find someone, Santana."

"Yeah, well, maybe I've already found someone. Maybe I don't want to find anyone else. Maybe I'm just going to be alone for the rest of my life, because I can never have what I want."

Kurt stayed silent, but Blaine sighed quietly and looked at her.

"Been there," he mumbled.

Both Kurt and Santana gave him a quizzical look. He shrugged.

"Well, kind of," he said. "I know what it's like to want someone you can't have."

"Who?" Santana asked and Kurt raised an eyebrow.

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