Chapter 19

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I own nothing. This was supposed to be longer, but I decided a little cliffhanger-ish thing would be better. No song, because Rebecca is gone yet again. So, yes. Colton stuff in this chapter and I don't care that Erika (erikabeebee) likened him to a two inch penis (undesirable and unable to cause pleasure), I think he's fun :P


"Call her," Blaine urged for the umpteenth time.

Santana threw a pillow at him and groaned. "I am not going to call her when they just broke up. Even I have more morals than that, Anderson."

"Look, if you want her back—"

"The word 'back' suggests that I had her. I never did."

Blaine sighed and lay back on Santana's bed. She was perched on the edge, looking miserable. He really wanted to help her. They stayed there in the heavy silence for a long time.

"What would you do, if you were me?"

Blaine opened his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were shifting, which meant she was nervous.

"If Brittany was Kurt and I was you?"

Santana nodded.

Blaine thought for a minute. "I don't know. It's a different set up."

Santana sighed and shifted on the bed. She turned and faced Blaine. "What if you'd never come out? What if you'd had this...this relationship with Hummel and then gotten too scared to tell people that you did? What if you'd just let what you guys had slip away because of fear and he ended up far away from you, with someone else? And then they broke up and you wanted him back, because you're ready now, to come clean. What do you do?"

Blaine shivered very slightly. That could have happened to him. He might never have come out and he could have lost Kurt.

"I guess I'd talk to him," he told Santana. "Call him. Go see him. Something.. Make some kind of grand gesture. I don't know." He sighed and thought again for a moment. "I guess the important thing would be to show him how ready I was to come out—that I was completely out, I guess. Maybe tell him I wanted to try again, that I was willing to go slow, ease back into what we had. I'd make sure he knew how much I loved him. I think that's important, y'know? That he knew I never stopped. That I was just too afraid, but that that didn't mean I didn't love him." He paused again. "I think I'd show him I can't let him go—that I refuse to let him go. I can't really imagine a life without Kurt. Don't give up. I wouldn't give up on Kurt. Never. If it doesn't work out, keep going. If he flat out told me to leave him alone, I would, but until then, I would keep trying. All you can do is try, Santana."

She lay back beside Blaine, sighing.

"I'll deny this if it's ever repeated, but I the opposite of hate you, Anderson."

Blaine chuckled. "I love you, too, Santana."

"Should I be worried?"

Both Kurt and Santana looked up at the sound of Kurt's voice. He was standing in the door way, smiling, arms folded across his chest.

"You're home," Blaine said, pushing himself into a seated position.

"It would appear so," Kurt said. He sat down on the end of the bed. "So, how long has this torrid love affair been going on?"

"Since September," Santana told him. "Why do you think Blainers asked me to move in? We're obviously horribly in love. Even if he is short."

"Size isn't everything, Santana," Blaine said, elbowing her.

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