Chapter 13

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I still own nothing. Okay, so, the smut kind of ended up happening by itself and wasn't intended, but erikabeebee (tumblr) told me smut is never a bad thing (then again, she also told me to post a fic written purely in capitals so..), so I left it there lol.

No song, because Rebecca is sick and has disappeared and I'm awful at music stuff.


Blaine opened his eyes too early the next morning. Bright, colourless light slipped through the small windows near the ceiling and cast shadows all across the room. Blaine lay there looking up at the spotless, white ceiling for a few minutes, until he felt the bed shifting. He turned and looked at Kurt, who had turned over and was now facing Blaine.

Blaine sighed, eyes still on his sleeping boyfriend. He was beautiful. He was always beautiful. His chestnut coloured hair was sticking up and Blaine smiled, because he loved how Kurt looked after sex. He could see his eyes moving behind those pale eyelids. Kurt was probably dreaming. A small smile played on his light pink lips and Blaine wanted to kiss him, but he didn't, because he just wanted to watch him for a little while longer.

The bedclothes covered Kurt from his mid-torso downward, so his wan chest was on display. He was like a white canvas, unblemished, flawless, apart from his small, off-pink nipples and the marks Blaine had apparently left there with his mouth and fingers.

Blaine inched closer, carefully, not wanting to wake Kurt up. He reached out and took the edge of the cover, then lifted it. He wasn't being a pervert, he just wanted to look at him. It wasn't about sex, either. All Blaine wanted to do was admire the beauty of the boy laying next to him in bed.

Kurt didn't move an inch. Blaine slipped the covers all the way back and just looked at him. He was so pale, almost translucent. His body fell down into the swell of his hips and on either side of Kurt's hips, was a light, pink thumb print from where Blaine had held him the night before. Blaine had never really just looked at Kurt in the light after they'd been together. Were those marks new? Had he been too rough with him? He hoped not.

Blaine hated that he had blemished his gorgeous skin, hated that those were the marks his hands had left. He went in search of more. The mark just above the pulse of his neck was still there, it always was. Beyond that, all Blaine could find was a light scratch on Kurt's thigh. He sighed, tiredly and lay back, eyes still on his boyfriend's perfect body, the perfect body he had marked.

Blaine wanted to turn him over, make sure he hadn't done any damage on his other side, but he wouldn't wake him. He looked far too beautiful. Kurt was definitely the most beautiful person on earth, of that he had no doubts whatsoever. He was perfect. He had a well toned body, that curved a little into a set of perfect hips. His hip bones swerved down into a narrow 'V', leading down to his soft, darker cock, a small patch of hair just above it. His legs were long and lean and amazing and his arms were muscled, but still delicate and God, he was beautiful.

Before he could stop himself, Blaine had reached across and touched Kurt's chest. He ran his fingers all the way down, lightly, until he reached that patch of dark hair, then he changed the direction and touched the small thumb marks on Kurt's hips. He swallowed hard, wishing the marks would disappear, even though he knew it couldn't have been the first time he had left them there.

Blaine knew that it wasn't a big deal. It was just that everything was building up and he was letting it get to him. He needed to fix it soon.

In an endeavour to reassure himself, Blaine slipped the covers back from his own body, looking for similar marks, so that he didn't feel like such a monster for blemishing Kurt. He found four, half moon indentations on the back of his left hip, obviously from Kurt's nails, but nothing too awful.

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