Chapter 26 - Epilogue

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THIS IS NOT MY STORY :) also, i wanted to add my own song to this, because its my fav and fits the vibe of this chapter - Beautiful Life by The Collection. - meg

Oh, you look so amazing
Your hair, it drives me crazy
Dreaming of god on a sandy shore
Saved by amazing grace
Or maybe my lack of faith
The seasons change, but they come back the same
They'll wash you clean with their rays

I'm walking slowly, I'm taking my time
All our lack of talking is starting to rhyme
I'm letting go of lonely, letting go of strife
I just can't get enough of this beautiful life

I own nothing.

I think I'm going to cry, because IT'S OVER NOW. I had the very last part of this in my head and that was all. I figured it all out then and the names etc. kind of just popped into my head as I walked and then by the time I was on my way back, it had all come together and I didn't want to change anything. Obviously, more got added by itself, because my mind doesn't know the meaning of order and planning. 

The song is For the First Time by The Script (youtube DOT com/watch?v=QcQDcbKRTCM) and Rebecca just about flung her computer out the window trying to help me find a song and then I told her the Script were my bros (by which I meant they were an Irish band) and we finally figured it out. She disappeared a few minutes ago though lol.

I want to also point out that I did this wedding like Burt and Carole's on Glee. I'm only really familiar with Catholic weddings, so I have no idea what way other ones work, so if this is really wrong, I'm sorry. I just went with the Glee way, it seemed safest lol.

I'll leave the long note 'til the end (like this wasn't long).

We're smiling, but we're close to tears even after all these years,
we just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time.


"Hey, short stack," Santana said. She walked closer to him and reached out to straighen his bow tie. "Nervous?"

"No," Blaine said.

"You look nervous as hell."

"I'm not."

"Worried he'll be a no show?" she enquired, standing back to examine her work.

"No," Blaine said again. "I know he'll be here. He wants this as much as I do."

Santana shrugged. "I guess he did put a lot into the planning," she said, looking thoughtful. "It's not like him to let that go to waste. I mean, the napkins folded in the shapes of pansies, or whatever."

"They're in the shape of roses," Blaine corrected. "And that's not the only reason he'll show. He loves me."

Santana smiled, fondly. "I know he does, Anderson," she told him. "I was just pulling your leg. Besides, I just saw him."

"You did?" Blaine asked. "How is he?"

"A nervous wreck. Not unlike yourself," she said. "Will you quit fidgeting with that?" she said, irritably, slapping Blaine's hands away from his bow tie.

"Sorry," he muttered. "I guess I am a little nervous, but not about whether he'll show or not. Just.. I don't know."

Santana smiled. "That's to be expected," she told him, looking down at her phone. She frowned. "I'll be right back. Brittany's calling and I should pick up, in case something's wrong." She looked up at him and smiled. "Look at you, Blainers, all grown up and getting married. Auntie 'Tana's proud of you." She reached out and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "You don't brush up too badly, either. If I—"

Anywhere But HereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora