Chapter 7

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A but shorter than usual but I'm having essay issues with college, so I did this quickly and the next one will be longer, promise. I still don't own Glee (lol). I just chose the lyrics to this song because they're pretty much just happy together (for now), despite everything. So, the song is Feelin' You ( /watch?v=HSXyT6-Iti4)

When I think of love,
I think of you,
Yeah, it's my favourite thing to do,
You're my missing puzzle piece,
Yeah, you are,
Perfect for me.



Kurt groaned and rolled away from the voice, but unfortunately, away from the voice meant towards the bright sun. He groaned again.

"Kuuuuurt," Blaine said, behind him. "Wake up, baby, it's almost 8AM."

Kurt shot up at that. "It's what?" he exclaimed. "Blaine!" He flung his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed the alarm clock. 7:57. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Kurt tried to stand up, but his legs gave and he fell back down into a seated position. He cursed Blaine under his breath for the position they had been in in the shower ad then Blaine was climbing across the bed to sit next to him. He placed his hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"We've got a crisis," Blaine told him. "And I need you, so I was wondering if you would maybe stay home today?"

"Crisis?" Kurt asked, turning to look at him, feeling alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"Get dressed and follow me out, okay?" Blaine climbed off the bed and went towards the door.


"Follow me out," he said, before slipping outside and shutting the door behind him.

Kurt sighed and stood up, legs wobbling slightly, then he went to the closet and grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.

Seven and a half minutes later, Kurt gave his hair one last spray, then went out of the bedroom. Blaine and Santana were on the sofa. Santana was crying. Kurt raised an eyebrow. He had never seen her cry before. He went and sat down next to her.

"Hey," he said, softly. "What's wrong?"

Santana continued to cry, her words coming out in loud, incoherent sobs, as Blaine rubbed circles over her back. Kurt looked to Blaine for an explanation.

"She had sex last night." Santana elbowed him and he sat back a bit. "What?" he said, playing innocent. Kurt rolled his eyes. "She did," Blaine told him. "But she feels bad, because of Brittany."

"Brittany?" Kurt asked, slowly. "Brittany from school?"

"She might be a bit in love with her," Blaine informed Kurt, which got him another elbow in the ribs. "Ow! Okay, jeez! Enough!"

"Santana," Kurt said, giving Blaine a look that said 'don't speak'. "What happened?"

After ten minutes of sniffling and crying and blowing her nose, Santana told him that she had slept with a girl last night, a girl who looked a lot like Brittany, who she had had a thing with, who she was madly in love with, but had been too afraid back then to properly act on it. She felt that being with this other girl made her a cheater, even though Brittany was apparently with Artie Abrams.

"Santana, it's okay," Kurt said, softly. "It's not cheating. You're going to be okay."

"Yeah, Santana," Blaine said. "In time this'll all get better."

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