Chapter 11

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Okay, so this is mostly Anderson related angst (angsterson?) and the song at the start is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, which I used in Sideways, but the lyrics fit here, too, so I'm a song repeater.

I was made to keep your body warm,
But I'm cold as the wind blows,
So hold me in your arms.


Kurt entered the kitchen early the next morning. He had left Blaine sleeping for a while, because he had protested when he had tried to wake him up. He decided he could use some sleep. He wasn't as comfortable about being in Lima as he was letting on and Kurt knew that.

Burt was at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. He looked up when Kurt walked in. "'Mornin'," he said, raising a glass of orange juice to his lips. "How's it feel to be back in your own bed?"

Kurt smiled and sat down. "Good," he told Burt. "No one else is up?"

"Carole went to buy milk, because Finn drank it all during his visits to the refrigerator throughout the night," Burt told him. Kurt rolled his eyes. "Finn's still in bed. Blaine?"

"Sleeping," Kurt told his dad. "He wants to go see his parents today."

Burt looked up. "Is that a good idea?"

Kurt shrugged. "Probably not," he admitted, "but he feels like it's something he needs to do, so I told him he should do what feels right."

"You know, the last time he went to see them, he locked himself in your room for days," Burt pointed out.

Kurt nodded. He couldn't see it going well, not with the way Blaine's parents were, but he couldn't stop Blaine from doing what he felt he had to do, either. He wondered if he should bring up the idea of him tagging along again.

"Maybe he could, y'know, invite them here," Burt said. "That way he'd have some support."

"I'm not sure he'd go for that," Kurt said, truthfully, "but I'll run it by him."

"Do you think he's okay? I mean—"

"He's fine."

Kurt and Burt turned to look in the direction from which the voice had come and found Blaine smiling brightly. He walked in and sat down beside Kurt, then leaned across and kissed him briefly, ending it with a "Good morning". Kurt tilted one eyebrow upwards.

"Morning, Blaine," Burt said, looking back to his newspaper.

"Good morning, Burt."

"Someone's in a good mood," Kurt said, almost sceptically.

Blaine grinned. "I could make breakfast."

"No, bad idea. Remember the last time you tried to cook?" Kurt asked, elbowing him. "I'll do it." Kurt stood up.

"I'll help," Blaine said, standing up, too.

Kurt turned to look at him and saw a glint of something in his eyes. "Okay," he said, with a nod. "Come on, then."

Moments later, Kurt was trying to figure out how he was going to give his father his muesli when Finn had drunk all the milk. Blaine was leaning against the counter, arms folded, eyes on the ground.

"Okay?" Kurt asked, placing the cereal box down.

Blaine looked up. "Yeah," he said. "Just..give me something to do."

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