Chapter 18

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I own nothing. I don't have a song for this chapter, because Rebecca disappeared a few hours ago. Unintentional smut at the start, then a little opening for some angst (yay).

Also, just wanted to point out that colfeverett (tumblr) made this photoset post/23940546387/au-klaine-anywhere-but and it's perfect and I love it so much, it's amazing :) Thank you again!


Kurt woke up and Blaine was not next to him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, the bright sun slipping through the blinds, leaving tiger stripes on the walls and all across the bedding and Kurt's chest. He stretched his arms and legs, blinking away the sleep, then climbed to his feet and walked across the room. He opened a drawer, grabbed a pair of briefs, closed it, then grabbed some pants from the closet and pulled both on. He tugged a t-shirt over his head, ran a hand through his hair, then left the room to look for Blaine.

Blaine was in the kitchen, elbows pressed into the counter, eyes on the toaster.

"You're naked," Kurt noticed.

Blaine turned around instantly, standing up straight. He had a broad grin on his lips and he looked as if he wasn't fully awake yet. His curls were sticking up and his eyes looked tired. He was also very much naked.

"'Morning, beautiful," Blaine said, yawning.

"'Morning," Kurt replied. "You're naked," he said again.

Blaine chuckled. "Good eye."

"Why are you naked?" Kurt asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "Santana could walk out here at any moment, not to mention the fact that Rachel pretty much comes and goes as she pleases—"

"Santana left for work about twenty minutes ago," Blaine told Kurt. "And I put the chain on the door, so even if Rachel did try to get in, she would be stopped in her tracks, so relax and enjoy me cooking with a hard-on."

"You're impossible," Kurt said, shaking his head, a small smile dancing on the corners of his lips.

"Coffee?" Blaine asked, turning away, giving Kurt a direct view to his ass.

"Hmm?" Kurt asked.

Blaine turned and laughed. "Mr Hummel, were you ogling my backside?"

"Turn back around."

"You don't think my front is as appealing as my back?" Blaine asked, leaning back against the counter.

"I don't know," Kurt told him. "I've forgotten my own name."

Blaine laughed heartily then turned back around and proceeded to make the coffee. Kurt watched him moving about the kitchen, opening cupboards and bending down to take mugs from the dishwasher and Kurt was getting hard just watching him. The asshole was also singing quietly to himself and he was well aware of Kurt's eyes on him, too. Kurt knew because he kept lingering when he bent forward and he would stop against the counter and arch his back slightly and he was so very obviously trying to get a rise out of Kurt and God, was it working.

Before he could stop himself, Kurt was standing up. He walked across to the kitchen and came up behind Blaine and pinned him against the counter. Blaine tilted his head to the side, to look back at Kurt. He was smirking.

"Can I help you?" Blaine asked, cheekily.

"You can't just walk around the kitchen shaking your ass like that," Kurt told him, pressing his lips briefly to the back of Blaine's neck.

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