Chapter 16

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Howdy :)  This chapter got really long. This chapter also got really smutty. Like. I didn't even plan on having any smut here, but it happened kind of by itself. Let me dedicate this chapter to my friend Erika (erikabeebee tumblr) because she's not feeling the best and she loves smut (who-bar Rebecca-doesn't?).

I own nothing, obviously, and speaking of Rebecca, (m-arvel tumblr) she's back on track with her song guru-ness (she also shouted Anywhere but Here out in her fic, Cough Syrup (in my faves)) and the song at the start of this is called I'm Like a Lawyer with the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off, which she gave me because I told her about the excessive smut, but yes. The song itself didn't really fit with the fic, but I laughed for ten minutes and my ribs hurt when she linked me to it. It's by Fallout Boy, btw.

I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off.


Blaine opened his eyes the next morning and smiled, because for once everything felt absolutely right. His life wasn't perfect, but it was close enough, as close as it was probably ever going to be, anyway. He tilted his head to the side and looked at Kurt, who was still sleeping.

His eyes were closed and his long lashes were still, unmoving in the hollows beneath his eyes. The sun was slipping through the high windows on the walls and gave the impression that Kurt's lashes were tinted in a golden colour. His mouth was slightly open, his pink tongue visible between his pale, pink lips and behind those pearly, white teeth. His skin was smooth and unblemished. He was beautiful.

Blaine's eyes followed the line of Kurt's jaw, down his pale, slender neck and along his clothed torso, his long, lean arms covered with a dark gray material, which ended its sleeve at the elbow. One of his bare forearms was beneath the pillow, just under his head. The other arm lay limply on Blaine's right arm.

Blaine continued smiling as he shifted very carefully onto his side, then eased himself closer, trying not to wake Kurt in the process. Kurt didn't wake up, he simply moved with Blaine, then settled with his head against Blaine's shoulder, sniffling a little against his skin. He took a handful of Blaine's sleeveless shirt and held onto it, clung to him, the corner of his open mouth hot against the cool skin of Blaine's bare shoulder. His long legs were closer now, his knees bent and touching Blaine's. Blaine reached up and pushed a strand of his chestnut coloured, thick hair back from his forehead. Kurt eased into his touch, humming a little in his sleep.

Blaine couldn't control the growth of his smile, nor could he control the way his heart seemed to flip in his chest. He turned his head and pressed a light kiss to the top of his boyfriend's head. Kurt only shivered very slightly. Blaine reached down and pulled the covers up further over them. Kurt inched closer, mouth closing and opening twice.

Blaine sighed, contentedly. He felt really and truly happy for the first time in a long time. He had the perfect boyfriend and was getting on well at school. He didn't have a lot of friends, but the few he did have were good ones and now his mom was trying her absolute best to be there for him, to understand and accept him for who he was and who he loved. If he was honest, it felt a little too good to be true, but he wasn't going to question it.

Blaine closed his eyes and just listened to the sound of Kurt breathing and snuffling a little against his body. The occasional car went by outside, but other than those sounds, everything was silent and peaceful. He could feel Kurt's chest rising and falling beside him and he took comfort in the steady beat of his heart.

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