Chapter 5

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I don't own Glee etc and so on. I don't have a song for this chapter, because Rebecca was AWOL today and I was forced to finish this chapter without her encouragement. Okay, so nothing awful in here, just a lot of talking and Santana stuff and Colton stuff is coming. erikabeebee (tumblr) has made a bet for the amount of break ups there'll be by the end of this fic. She's decided ten for now, but I told her I don't know yet. There could be ten, there could be none! :) 


"You owe me?" Kurt asked, unable to conceal his smile. "He said that? That you owe him for making some stupid jump in a video game?"

"The kid's a freak," Santana said, sitting down next to Blaine on the sofa, a glass of water in one hand. "Seriously, he scares the crap out of me."

Kurt chuckled. "He's harmless, really. He's just a little.." he trailed off, searching for the right words to describe Colton Fisher. He wasn't sad, not really. He wasn't depressed, or overly emotional, or anything like that. He was just..

"Psychopathic?" Santana offered, as Blaine said, "Misunderstood?"

"Um, maybe a little of both," Kurt smiled to himself. "But seriously, he just needs a little push in the right direction and he'll be fine."

"And I suppose you've made him your own, personal, little challenge," Blaine said, a small smile on his pale lips.

Kurt shrugged. "Not exactly," he said. "But if he needs help, I'll help him. You know what it's like, Blaine, to try to come to terms with who you are and what that means for the future."

Blaine muttered something and looked down at his hands. He didn't like to talk seriously about that. If it ever came up, he would make a joke out of it, but sometimes he got quiet and Kurt knew he was replaying everything, all the bad things, in his mind and beating himself up over them. Kurt elbowed him, gently and Blaine looked up. He gave him a small smile and Blaine smiled back, which made Kurt feel better.

Rachel came out of the bathroom, then and sat down in the armchair, facing Kurt, Blaine and Santana. "What are we talking about?"

"Hummel's psycho stalker," Santana told her.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "He's not a psycho stalker, Santana," he objected. "He's just got issues."

"Colton? He follows you around like a lost puppy," Rachel pointed out.

"Well, so does Blaine," Kurt said with a smile, trying to add some humour to the situation.

"He's got a point," Santana said, leaning forward to place her empty glass down on the coffee table. "Maybe you should get him a lead and a spiked collar, Hummel. Ugh, actually, you probably already have those. I'm pretty sure with the amount of sex you guys have, you've tried out every kink known to man."

"He loves when I follow him around," Blaine said, nudging Kurt in the side playfully.

"Ugh, Rachel, get me a bucket, I'm about to barf at the amount of sugar-coated disgustingness occurring next to me."

Rachel folded her arms across her chest. "Santana," she said, firmly. "You need to embrace the true love that these boys exude. Finn and I have the same kind of connection. Now, isn't there a nice boy you'd like to try to connect with?"

Blaine forced a cough and Kurt shifted uncomfortably. "Um, Rachel," he said, warningly. She gave him a quizzical look. Kurt looked down at Santana, who was scowling, eyes narrowed.

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