Chapter 4

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This one's kind of long. I still don't own Glee. The song is Perfect by Hedley ( /watch?v=tUGEzPH2dJQ) Thanks Rebecca for that. Also thanks to Denise ( .com) for the idea that Blaine likes the Brady Bunch. Thank you for the reviews! :D

I know that I'm not perfect, but I keep trying,
'Cause that's what I said I would do from the start,
I'm not alive if I'm lonely, so please don't leave,
Was it something I said or just my personality?

When you're caught in a lie and you've got nothing to hide,
When you've got nowhere to run and you've got nothing inside,
It tears right through me, you thought that you knew me,
You thought that you knew.


"He'll be back later," Santana assured Blaine. Sebastian hadn't answered the door when they had knocked and Blaine felt his stomach knotting again, because the longer the bracelet remained missing, the less chance he had of getting it back and his wrist felt bare, like he'd lost a part of himself. "Just act natural and he won't suspect a thing and you'll have it back on your hand before he even notices."

"You really think he won't notice?" Blaine asked, chewing worriedly on his bottom lip.

"Please," Santana said. "Hummel is always either too busy looking at his hair, or too busy looking at you like you invented tacos to notice anything else."

"Kurt doesn't like tacos," Blaine added, nervously.

"Holy shit, Anderson," she shook her head. "You're a lost cause."

Blaine and Santana walked through the door and Kurt looked up. Santana was kicking her shoes off and Blaine took his jacket off, then turned to look at Kurt. His expression changed to one of worry and he said, "Are you okay?"

Kurt sighed quietly, then looked at Santana. "Santana, can I have a minute with Blaine?" he asked, calmly.

"You can have all the minutes with Blaine you want, Hummel," she told him. "It's not like he ever goes anywhere."

Kurt gave her a nod and she disappeared into her bedroom. He stood up and looked at Blaine, who looked guilty and Kurt's stomach sank for the hundredth time that day, because that look only confirmed what he had been thinking.

"I know what this is about," Blaine told him, voice breaking a little.

"You do?"

He nodded and looked down at his feet. "The bracelet," he said and Kurt's breath caught in his chest.

"So, it's true."

Blaine sighed, defeated. "Kurt, I just.. I don't know how it happened. I'm sorry. I don't even know how I can make it right again, I don't think there is a way."

Kurt fell back down into the chair and looked down at his lap. Blaine didn't even want to try and fix them. "You don't think there's a way," Kurt repeated, feeling winded. "Do you even want it back? The bracelet?"

Blaine moved forward and sat facing Kurt. He looked worried, his face twisted in concern. "Of course I want it back. Why would you even ask that question?"

Kurt simply reached into his pocket and held it out for Blaine to take, unsure if just what that meant. Blaine looked up and his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

"Where did you find it?" he asked, taking the bracelet and wrapping it back around his wrist. "God, Kurt, I looked everywhere.."

"Sebastian returned it," Kurt told him, quietly. "'Said he found it by his bed."

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