Chapter 23

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THIS IS NOT MY STORY :) Also fanfics don't really ever make me cry, typically just feel, but this chapter had me SOBBING on a Monday morning.  - meg

I own nothing. Okay, I don't have much to say until the end, but the song is Wish You Well by Thousand Foot Krutch youtube dot com/watch?v=fIA9jV40MQQ&feature=related Rebecca (m-arvel on tumblr) gave me this song way back when Sebastian found Blaine's bracelet and returned it and I decided to bookmark it for this chapter, because it fits much better.

And we were sixteen at the time,
nothing could ever change our minds,
we were one step below invincible,
and we always fought it.

I wish you'd come back now.

Wish I could help, but I can't help you find you.


Blaine opened his eyes and looked immediately over at Kurt. He was still sleeping, his mouth open slightly, small snores escaping his body. He hadn't slept with such abandon since they had arrived in Ohio and Blaine was glad to see that he was finally resting.

Blaine leaned down and pressed a light kiss to Kurt's forehead, then climbed out of the bed and pulled his jeans on. He slipped a t-shirt (Kurt's) over his head, ran a hand through his curls, then tip toed up the stairs and across the hall until he had reached the kitchen.

Much to Blaine's surprise, Finn was already up. He was sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. He looked up at Blaine and gave him a small smile.

"'Mornin', dude," he said.

"Hi," Blaine replied, sitting down across from him. "Any news?"

Finn shook his head. "My mom left a little while ago. She called and said things were the same." Finn shrugged. "I guess it's sort of a good thing that nothing's gotten worse, huh?"

"I suppose," Blaine said, quietly.

"Is Kurt up?"

"No, he's sleeping. I didn't want to wake him."

Finn nodded. "You should get some breakfast, man."

"Maybe later," Blaine uttered.

He couldn't stop thinking about Kurt and how he had been the night before, the way he had pleaded with Blaine with his eyes. Blaine had never seen Kurt look like that, had never heard him sound the way he had, so desperate and needy and wanting and Blaine wasn't sure why, but it was playing on his mind, like some sort of broken record that just kept going back around and around. He was a little anxious to see how Kurt was today.

"I think I'll make some breakfast, actually," Blaine stated, standing up. "Kurt won't eat unless food is placed in front of him."

Finn left the house and went to Rachel's and Blaine made pancakes, because it was all he really knew how to make. Kurt didn't appear for another half an hour. He was wearing a pair of old pyjama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt. His hair was sticking up and his eyes were still half-lidded with sleep. Blaine turned and looked at him when he walked in.

"Hey, baby," he said, giving him what he hoped was a comforting smile. "Did you sleep okay?"

Kurt shrugged one shoulder and sat down. Blaine frowned and grabbed the plate of pancakes. He placed it down in front of Kurt and poured him a cup of coffee.

"Eat something," he urged. "We can leave as soon as you get some food into you. Carole called. There's no change. Sorry," he said, shaking his head. "I guess I should have said that in the first place."

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