Chapter 8

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I own nothing. Okay, so this story has been straying away from the original plan for the past couple of chapters, or so, but I got it back on track now, I hope anyway. I got sidetracked by this idea for a new fic that I am definitely doing after this and I let this get away from the plan, but I'm going to keep it on the right road from now on, I swear. The song is We Are Young, by Sing Me Insomnia ( /watch?v=Xz2tgsEsbAI&feature=related).

Though times have changed,
Time can't change the way hearts beat,
The beginning of love stays the same,
Love is something time just cannot cheat.


Colton and Sebastian had been hanging out a lot. Kurt had seen them in the building sometimes and he wasn't sure what kind of plan they were concocting, but he could see it in their eyes that there was definitely something going on. He ignored it for a couple of weeks, until one afternoon when he ended up riding the elevator with Sebastian.

Kurt groaned when the door opened and Sebastian walked in just behind him. He had considered taking the stairs, but he was holding a box, supplies he needed for planning his dad's wedding. Kurt stepped inside and the doors closed and Sebastian was grinning at him.

"Where's Blaine today? Gee, I hope you guys aren't having trouble," Sebastian said, turning to look at Kurt.

"We're fine, thank you," Kurt said, teeth gritted. "Your badly dressed side kick isn't with you today, I see."

Sebastian laughed. "Got bored with him," he told Kurt. "I might not be willing to sell my body for a pair of designer jeans like you would, Hummel, but I have more respect for myself than to be seen with someone who dresses like Colin."

"Colton," Kurt corrected. Sebastian had been hanging out with Colton for two weeks, yet somehow, he still hadn't learnt his name, which only meant one thing. "He had nothing to contribute to operation 'get into Blaine's pants'?" Kurt offered. Sebastian smirked and Kurt knew he was right. "Why don't you just give up? Seriously, Sebastian, wouldn't it make you much happier to just go out and find a boyfriend of your own? Someone who you can share a mutual love with?"

The elevator stopped on Sebastian's floor and he stood in the doors so that they couldn't close. "Do you ever wonder about that?"


"The mutual love thing," Sebastian clarified. "Do you think he loves you? Or do you think he's settling for you, because that's all he's ever known? Because let's face it, he went from sleeping with girls to sleeping with you. You were nice to him, offered him a helping hand. Some might mistake that for love. Just something you might want to consider."

Sebastian flashed him a smile, then took a step backwards and the doors closed. The elevator started going up again, while Kurt's heart seemed to fall down somewhere around his ankles.


Blaine was flicking through one of Kurt's magazines in bed that night, while Kurt leaned against his side, blue eyes on the TV set. Blaine loved when they spent time doing stupid things like that. It made his insides sing, because he imagined doing these things together for the rest of their lives, silly, little things that didn't really matter, not in reality, but they would mean something to them.

"Can I ask you something?" Kurt asked, after a while, as he switched the television set off. He sat up and shifted his body to face Blaine. Blaine closed the magazine and laid it down on the side table, then looked at Kurt.

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