Chapter 17

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I own nothing. 

This chapter isn't angsty or huge in plot importance, but it maybe ties up some Sebastian stuff and some things about where Kurt's heading after he's done with school and stuff. I promise to get angsty really soon, though!

And of course, the song is Teenage Dream, because it fits here :)

I finally found you,
my missing puzzle piece,
I'm complete.


Kurt stood back and looked at the newly dressed dummy. He was happy with it. The colours were coordinated and the patterns matched and it just needed a little something...

Kurt looked around and his eyes drifted to the back corner of the store, where they kept the scarves and the ties and the small accessories. He smiled and went to find a bow tie that would compliment the dummy's outfit. Finally, he picked one out, a small navy one with small golden designs on. He added it to the dummy and grinned, satisfied.

The door bell jingled and Kurt turned to find Rachel there. He wished he could dress her next, she was in dire need of a make over.

"You're early," Kurt told her as she gave him a friendly wave.

"Finn's playing some sort of video game and he was shouting expletives at the TV screen, so I got out of there before my innocence was stolen. I got everything done early, so here I am."

Kurt chuckled. "I'm sure your innocence was stolen a long time ago, Ms Berry."

Rachel waved the comment off and looked up at the dummy. She hummed.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"Did you just dress this thing?"


She hummed again.


"It's nothing bad!" she assured him. "It's just that.. You're always complaining about how Blaine dresses, right?"

"Well, not always. He's pulled off some cute outfits in the past."

"Mm hmm," Rachel said, with a nod. "Yet, you seem to have dressed this statue—"


"What?" Rachel looked offended.

"Not you," Kurt said, shaking his head. "The dummy. It's not a statue."

"Oh," she said. "Well, I'm just saying that for someone who dislikes his boyfriend's outfits so much, you seem to have dressed this one in a...very...Blaine Anderson...way."

Kurt gaped at her. "I have not."

"Oh, Kurt," Rachel said, irritably. "Look at this. The checkered, short-sleeved shirt, the cute, little, straight-legged pants, the bow tie." Rachel shook her head. "Hell, this guy isn't even wearing any socks with those little, shiny loafers."

Kurt chewed on his bottom lip. It hadn't been intentional, but she had a point.

"Oh, wow," Kurt uttered quietly. "That was not planned."

"Clearly," Rachel grinned, taking her phone from her pocket. She hit a few buttons, then lifted it up. "Smile!" she said and before Kurt could protest, the flash appeared on the back of the phone and Rachel had taken a picture of Kurt and his Blaine style dummy.

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