Chapter 10

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I own nothing whatsoever. 

The song at the beginning is Catching Angels by Sing me Insomnia ( /watch?v=AXXTeMk4g_8), but please ignore the end where it changes to "I've lost you" etc., because that part isn't relevant to this lol, but I finished this and it seemed to be the song that fit best (I'm bad at finding songs and Rebecca is AWOL). There doesn't seem to be a lyric video on youtube, so that's all I could find. You get the idea anyway, Blaine found an angel etc.

Okay, Jamie will now stop talking :)

They say the easiest thing to do,
is to love the fact I have you,
God sent angels from above,
and I caught the one I love.

No, I can't believe I caught you,
no, I can't believe you are all mine.

I caught my angel.


Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Finn and Rachel sat in the airport, waiting for Burt and Carole to pick them up. They were sipping bad, vending machine coffee and Finn was eating a bag of Doritos. Kurt watched him in disgust, as he took a handful and shoveled them into his mouth. Blaine chuckled beside him.

"Just think," he told Kurt, "in a few days, he's going to be your step-brother."

Kurt glowered. "Don't remind me."

"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Blaine asked. "Being back here?"

"I'm not sure 'weird' is the right word," Kurt said, carefully, "but it's certainly interesting."

"Hey, listen, I was thinking," Blaine said, a little quieter now, "what's the deal with the sleeping arrangements?"

Kurt shook his head. "God, Blaine," he said, laughing quietly. "I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't imagine my dad would have much of a problem with letting us stay in my old room. I mean, we stayed there even before we started living together."

Blaine nodded and stayed silent for a minute, then he said, "He must know, right? That we're having sex? I mean, he has to know. We're living together and—"

Kurt laughed. "Are you nervous of my dad?"

Blaine shrugged. "Not nervous. Just..unhinged."

Kurt stifled his laugh, because Blaine was pouting at him. He really didn't have anything to worry about. Kurt guessed it was because he was still thinking in the mindset that his own father had given him, but Burt wasn't like that.

"Blaine," Kurt said, turning to look at him. "Baby. Relax. My dad loves you."

Blaine still looked unsure, so Kurt shifted a little and laid a hand over his, ignoring the fact that they were back in Ohio and that they could risk seeing someone they knew. Right now, it didn't matter what others thought, he needed to make sure Blaine was okay.

"Look," Kurt began and Blaine looked up into his eyes. "We're not kids any more, Blaine. Of course he knows what goes on when we close that bedroom door back home—"

"Sometimes you don't even close it," Santana pointed out, sitting down across from Blaine, apparently having heard that last statement.

Kurt glared at her, meaningfully, trying to get across to her that he was busy consoling Blaine, who, despite trying to cover it up, was actually really nervous about coming back to Lima, the place where it had all gone so wrong.

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