Chapter 15

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I own nothing, obviously. As cheesy and ridiculous as it may be, the song at the beginning is Me Without You, by Ashley Tisdale ( /watch?v=GOKKDwASZao&feature=related). This chapter is more of Blaine and his mother and Kurt helping him through that and stuff and the smut at the beginning was entirely unintentional, but remains anyway, because it took me a while and because it's smut (Rebecca, stop scowling at me okay). I'll just blame it on the fact that they have a budding relationship that continues to be explored :P Also, just to add that I live in Ireland, so I have no idea what programmes or courses are available at NYU or NYADA and I was too lazy to check, so music and musical theatre classes are available in my mind. Any other errors throughout this (or Sideways) about schooling or anything like that, I'll just blame on the whole culture barrier lol. Okay, I'll shut up now :)

And when you say 'baby, it's gonna get better' I believe you,
And I wish that somehow I could see me the way you do,
with my imperfections, you think I'm perfect,
when it's not easy, you make it worth it.

When everything falls apart,
and it seems like the world is crashing at my feet,
you like me the best when I'm a mess, when I'm my own worst enemy,
you make me feel beautiful, when I have nothing left to prove,
and I can't imagine how I'd make it through,
there's no me without you.


"Hey," Blaine said, when Kurt walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

He was drying his hair with a towel and wearing just a pair of old, striped, pyjama bottoms. Small pearls of water were still dripping down his pale, smooth skin and he was a little flushed, a light sprinkle of pink on his chest and arms and neck area. It was a sight Blaine had gotten used to, but that didn't mean it didn't continue to take his breath away every time.

"Hi," Kurt muttered, in response. He placed the damp towel down on the back of the chair at his vanity, then looked in the mirror and began tweaking his hair with his fingers. "Get everything cleaned up upstairs?"

"Mm hmm," Blaine told him.

He stood up and walked up behind Kurt, then laced his arms around his waist and pressed a cool kiss to his warm neck, breathing in the scent of his vanilla shower gel. Kurt smiled in the mirror and dropped his arms to place his hands over Blaine's arms.

"Trying to seduce me, Anderson?" Kurt asked, smirking.

"I have to try?" Blaine teased.

"Of course," Kurt told him. "Just because I've let you in my pants before, doesn't mean I'm going to just give in and let you back in again without a little wooing."

"Wooing," Blaine repeated, grinning. "I seem to recall many, many, many times when you allowed me to do this," he slipped his hand down the front of Kurt's pants and palmed his soft cock through his underwear, "without so much as a word."

"Mngh," Kurt choked out, pushing into Blaine's touch. "Blaine.."

Kurt muttered something low in his throat and Blaine continued to stroke him through the thin material of his briefs.

"What was that?" Blaine asked, pressing another kiss to Kurt's neck, his eyes locked on their reflections in the mirror.

"I just showered," Kurt managed.

"I know," Blaine said, smiling. "That's why you smell so good."

"Are you suggesting I don't always smell good?"

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