Chapter 33

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Yahaba's POV:

Okay, I admit, I may or may not have not thought this through. Like, at all. Sooo, what now? I really want to do it, but it was planned like yesterday and I have no ideas. Like head? empty, brain? useless, hotel? Trivago. It's Monday morning and I swear if I don't figure out something soon, I'm going to be very sad. Why? Because my beloved Kyoken's going to be sad, and obviously that will make me sad!

So yeah, that's the problem right now. Think, think, what does he like? Food, volleyball, dogs, uhh, Watari, hopefully, me, and Ummm... I don't know. Well, that's fine, at least we have something (cue the nervous laughter here hehe). Sooo, food! We can work with that. Probably. So, let's just make him like homemade meals and stuff. I think he'll like that. Maybe? Whatever, let's give it a try and see what happens. Worst comes to worst, we make it up as we go along.

I sneak out of bed, making sure Kentaro gets some sleep. I tip-toe down the hall to the kitchen. Breakfast, breakfast, what to make? Maybe something new? We have the stuff for french toast... Would he like it? Probably, but I should make it interesting. You know what sounds delicious? French toast plus ice cream... He'd love that! Here goes nothing!

I make the french toast, and I put it on a plate with some fruit. I put some ice cream on it and, ta-da! An awesome dish that I'm pretty sure I just made up on my own. Now to wake Kentaro... I didn't want to have to do this. I check the time. He's gotten an extra 45 minutes of sleep, any more and we'll be late! Oh well, sorry babe...

I walk into the bedroom, Kentaro is still sound asleep. He's even snoring a little bit. There's no way I can nicely wake him up, is there? I nudged him gently. Nope. It looks like I'm having to resort to the last option. Not really though, I just love doing this. I scoop up Kentaro and pull him out of the covers. He immediately wakes up. Startled, he jumps, and of course, I catch him. You know, like a good boyfriend that totally did not just freeze him.

"Morning, darling. I made breakfast." I jokingly flirted.

"Thanks. Can you put me down now?"

"You sure you want to walk all the way to the kitchen, on the cold floor, without any shoes on?"

"I know what you're doing."

"And what am I doing? I only asked a question, which you still haven't answered."

"Ugh! Fine... you can carry me." He growled, admitting defeat. 

"Yay! Come on, you big baby, let's go."

"You're the one moving me"

"I know!"

I brought him into the kitchen where I left breakfast.

"Is that..."

"Ice cream on breakfast, yes it is baby. All yours, too."

"Awesome. Did you make this?"

"Who else?"

"Good point. Can you put me down now?"

"Sure," I said, dropping him gently on the floor.


"Anytime, babe."

"What time is it?"

"It's- Oh my goodness! Eat quickly, we have like no time!"

"You're reading it wrong again, We have an hour and fifteen minutes."


"You made yourself food, right?"

"I think so?"

"Then the answers no. Here, have some of this, it's amazing."

"No, that's yours, you should be the one to-"

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