Chapter Two; Katsuki Bakugo

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Song: Walls Could Talk Original Artist: Halsey

Remix/Added Artist: Nico Collins (I love his songs)

Nightcore Channel: U N D E R D O G S (I love them too)

(There are pictures here that I also tried to find the artists but I can't seem to find them. If you know please comment on the picture so I can give them proper credit.)


Bakugo unlocks the door to his room and steps inside. He gently closed the door behind him with his foot and dropped his school bag by the door. He slowly walked over to his bed, swaying side by side as frustration was trying to be overthrown by a sense of calm. Sitting down, he went on the news checking to see if Aizawa was on any headlines. Fortunately, he wasn't but Bakugo still wondered why he was late. He continues to scroll until he found some blog about a villain.

        Katsuki Bakugo and the biggest old-timey villain

    He clicked on the title which was accompanied by a picture of him eating his rice, the photo looking similar to the one the reporter took when he was interviewing them. The first thing that popped up when he clicked the headline to an article, was a picture of him from the sports festival when he was tied and muffled to his podium.

    He hated that picture. All it did was make more people scared of him. He never realized what fear was until...until the incident. Bakugo shuddered at the memory of being surrounded. Helpless. Scared. He shook his head not wanting to remember any more of that night. He continued scrolling through the news article:

        Katsuki Bakugo and the biggest old-timey villain

    Katsuki Bakugo, a student attending the hero course at U.A. acts exactly the way as The Red Glare. The Red Glare was known as the most powerful villain ever to be. At this age in time, he was soon forgotten, not many people know of his name but he was placed in the 'Villians Archives'.

    He was most known for his way of killing, luring his victims with his eyes, and torturing them. He would skin them and sew a patch of skin onto him and tattoo the victim's name. According to the Archives, The Red Glare had done more but anyone who has seen the bodies, even the coroner, had been put speechless.

    In common with the U.A. student, Katsuki Bakugo, The Red Glare had always had a fascination for explosives. He would often make his makeshift grenade in his youth and set them off in a place nobody but him knows about. Much to Katsuki Bakugo, The Red Glare also attended the hero course before becoming a villain. His tendencies were similar to Bakugo's today.

They were set to destroy anyone who comes in their way both won the sports festival and were chained up the chains, shackles, and muffle that was used to hold Bakugo was also used by The Red Glare

    The Red Glare quirk was unknown since he never used it. In the school files of his old high school, it was said that he had a quirk but never used it and was thought to be quirkless until a forensic scientist confirmed he had a quirk. Decades after his murders, many photos were taken of the villain. He never covered up anything that could trace him and he walked the streets in broad daylight, yet he was never caught. His last victim was said to be a photographer that managed to take a picture of him before dropping the camera. It was said by witnesses that the man was wearing a mask when the photographer asked for a photo. Right as he shot, the man pulled down his mask.

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