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When Naruto slept he woke up in an all too familiar sewers so he followed the path he usually took to meet the Kyuubi and there it was half its size and fast asleep behind the familiar set of bars he was about to try and unseal it when.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"(Chibi Naruto) 

"What do you mean?Who are you anyway?"(Naruto frowning)

"I am a figment of your imagination and your voice of reason the nagging little voice in the back of your head that stops you from doing some absolutely reckless things but in the end of the day I am just a voice. Weather you go through the act is totally up to you."(Chibi Naruto) 

"Ookayyy, Now what did you mean by not releasing the seal he is a friend!"(Naruto getting worked up)

"Kurama is still asleep and suffering the pain from having his soul cut in half so his chakra is on a rampage and the only reason you are still sane is because of the seal.Remove it and the rampaging chakra will kill you and destroy the village if you don't trust me try putting your arm in the cage through the seal"(Chibi Naruto daring him) 

Naruto put his right arm through the cage and immediately pulled back when he felt that he was burning and saw that his hand had lost its skin and most of its flesh and he yelled in pain.

"Relax, try and bring your chakra around your hand"(Chibi naruto sighing)

Naruto did as he was told having learnt his lesson and the hand healed and was good as new which caused him to say


"You chakra is mostly your chakra at this point in time so obviously it is going to restore mind for now at least"(Chibi Naruto)

"Who are you and how do you know all these?"(Naruto horrified)

"I told you I am a part of you as for how I know all this it is because you know all this and would have remembered it if you thought about it"(Chibi Naruto)

After a few seconds.

"Who are you calling stupid!?"(Naruto pointing at the chibi him)

"Myself"(The chibi him facepalming)

"Oh Ok"(Naruto)

After a few more seconds.

"HEY!"(Naruto enraged)


With that yell a strong chakra broke through the cage and created scratches and trails of destruction on the walls of the sewer which would heal after a few minutes.

"Hey kurama"(Naruto fearful)

"I will talk to you when you are a 12 years old until then don't try to talk to me, don't wake me from my nap and finally DON'T KILL YOURSELF"(Kurama kicking naruto out of his mind scape)

Naruto woke up with a gasp and was sweating buckets.

"A nightmare Naru?"(Menma from the top bunk)

Naruto just nodded.

Menma jumped down and took a glass of water and handed it to Naruto who drank it rather quickly and Menma refilled it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"(Menma)

Naruto was silent for a few seconds before asking

"Is it normal to dream of a chibi version of you claiming to be a part of you to be smarter than you?"(Naruto)

Menma laughed.

"It's not funny"(Naruto pouting)

"We all have the chibi version of ourselves Naru its a little voice that tells you to do bad things if you are good and good things if you are bad reckless things if we are way to cautious and to be cautious if we are being reckless. It is simply the manifestation of everything we reject but it is a part of you like your arm of leg so accept it but don't become a slave to it."(Menma)

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