Sneak peek: Crimson Eyes

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The hall was empty and dark, a mist laying over the ground like a veil. The temple felt like a beating heart of something maleficent and fierce, swallowing everything it could touch whole and sucking all the life force out. The moment she stepped inside an iciness hit her, crawling its way through her body and freezing her skin. The air she breathed out instantly damped, creating tiny clouds as she walked. If she were to describe the temple, she would say that it was pure death. A testament of that which came after.

She should not have come alone, she realized in vain, for it was far too late to turn back now. Obi-Wan had warned her multiple times, ordered her to stay where she was and not take any risks.

If only she had been one to listen.

Taking in a deep breath Lyanna found the courage to walk further. Her footsteps echoed through the hall as she walked, her green eyes darting around to find her target.

"Focus on the force, Lyanna." Obi-Wan's voice echoed through her head. Even in this sinister place he lit a path for her, guiding her through the darkness as always. She repeated his words over and over, even the thought of his voice calming her nerves. "Let it show you the way."

The man she was looking for was there, she was sure. She could feel his hatred growing stronger with each step she took. It was like a weight that pressed down on her, pressing the air from her lungs and making it hard to breathe. She was drowning in his fury, feeling herself slip away from reality with each passing second. That was what it was. Pure madness, echoing through the halls and intensifying a hundredfold each moment.

At first she didn't believe Obi-Wan when he told her about the intensity with which the man hated. As she was here now, she realized he had been putting it mildly. He was right to keep her away from him, to guard her against the unseen menace.

Something fell on the other side of the hall. It was a tiny object yet it created one of the strongest soundwaves she had ever heard. Feet stopped dead in their tracks, eyes closed and focussing on the force, trying to reach out with her feelings and find him before he found her. Through it she felt his eyes, his dark, maleficent eyes focussed on her through the shadows.

"I can feel your presence." Her voice came out as a whisper. He heard her clearly. He shifted through the mists, the ripples in the air reaching her and spiking her senses. Lyanna opened her eyes, focussing on the dark figure that was hiding in the darkness. "Show yourself." She could see nothing but two yellow orbs, like the eyes of a predator, prowling through the mist. To say he frightened her would be an understatement but she would not let it overwhelm her.

"The doctor." He chuckled, the mad sound echoing through the halls and sending chills up her spine. Her hand instinctively went out to her lightsaber, her thumb pressing against the button and her eyes trained on his figure. "I was hoping for Kenobi." His voice was low and threatening.

Maul stepped out of the shadows, his eyes glaring at her from afar as he ignited his double-bladed lightsaber at his side. The red casted eery shadows on his dark face, his yellow orbs flaring with pure hatred as he snarled.

"Why are you here?"

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