Teenage Crushes

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    When Yunlan became ten years old he notice his cold gege is smiling to some one.

   He can't  help to feel jealous  on the said person  name Wang. When the said person came to their house with some of her friends to visit his gege Shen Wei. His the first one to welcome them. "What a cute boy!" Said Wang while pinching his cheeks.

    Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan out of his room. "This is no place for kids!" And slammed  the door on his face. He frown, "I'm not a kid but a big boy gege! I'll show you!" He called his two friend to show his gege his a big boy now.

   Shen Wei  was singing and playing his guitar  while his friend admire his voice. When suddenly a loud rock song was heard. Yunlan sing his favorite song BTS with the tune of rock, his in the drum while Lin Jing is in the bass and Guo is in guitar.  "Whatta?!!!*Bleep!* His doing?!!!" Shout Shen Wei. While his friends jump to dance.

    When suddenly  he barge into Yunlan's  band and took off the plugs connecting to their instruments. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! WERE HAVING A NICE QUIET TIME! WHEN YOU SING THAT ROCK SONG OF YOURS! CHILDREN!!!!" Yunlan sniff, "Were not children! Right guys? They all nod.

   He suddenly  making his cute puppy face but it didn't  work with Shen Wei  and scolded them. "Wei! Don't  be hard on your didi!" Said Wang. "His not my didi! My only didi is Yezun nothing more!" That broken the heart of Yunlan and ran away crying. Wang isn't  happy on what he did. She follow Yunlan and comfort him.

   "Yunlan! Please understand  your gege! He just miss his brother. "But I'm now his brother! I'm his only sibling! His mine! Mine!" Yunlan suddenly  made a tantrum and throwing everything.  "YUNLAN! STOP!!!" Shout Shen Wei.  "I'm sorry but you and friends should leave I will scold him for misbehaving!" Said Shen Wei.

   "Please! Don't  be too hard on him, his only a child who wants his gege attention!" Shen Wei  smile, "I know Wang you really are such a kind hearted girl!" When Yunlan heard it he scream louder. That made Wang and his friends bid him farewell. 

   "Yunlan! Let's  talk!" But Yunlan didn't  want too and scream again. Shen Wei's  mother will scold him again if she find out he made little  Yunlan cry. "Yunlan stop crying what do you want?!" Not from afar Yunlan's  friend watching from the window. "Poor Yunlan his gege would scolded  him again!" But they were surprised  when suddenly  Shen Wei  kissed him on the lips.

   Well actually  Shen Wei  was suppose to kiss Yunlan on the forhead but Yunlan struggled  to his hold and accidentally  kiss him on the lips. Both stop, "Sorry! Yunlan!" Shen Wei  suddenly  ran away leaving a shocked  Yunlan whose now hiccuping. "What just happened?!" His friends ran toward him.

   "Yunlan....Yunlan!!! That's  your first kiss!" Guo tried to wipe  his tears with his t-shirt. "That's  not counted! His Yunlan's  gege and his a boy!" Said Lin Jing. Yunlan on the other hand still touched the lips that once kiss by his gege. (Hiccup.....hiccup!!!) "It's  soft and taste sweet!" He said. "Oh! No! Your doom! No girls gonna kiss you! Only your gege!" Shout Guo. "At least he don't  have rabies like girls!" Said Lin Jing. Guo hit him on the back.

    In an hour dinner time  both step siblings won't  look at each other and concentrate on their eating. "Wei! Tomorrow  your didi is coming for a visit!" That made Shen Wei smile. "Yezun is coming!" On the other hand, Yunlan look sad. "He really love his real didi than him?" He told himself. Xin ci notice it, "Yunlan do you want to meet Yezun as well? He really looks like Shen Wei  too!" Shen Wei  want to protest.

   But her mother stop him. This is the only time the two of them will see each other. And didn't  want any third party to ruin it. But Yunlan eagerly want to see him too.

    So the next day, a teenage Yezun visit Shen Wei  with his father. Shen Wei  hugged  him tightly but Yezun didn't  replied  back and just stood their. "Hello Isabella! So I see Wei is doing fine here!" Mr. Shen coldy say. "Yes! My new husband  provide me with everything! And he didn't  hurt me! Unlike someone I knew!" While they're  talking.

   Shen Wei  led Yezun to his room follow by little Yunlan. "Whose he?!" Yezun irritation  said as he pointed to little  Yunlan. "My step brother Yunlan! Come here Yunlan meet my twin brother Yezun. Little Yunlan greeted him with a smile and suddenly  hugged  him. "Now I have two geges!" He gleefully  said.

   "What?! Two gege?!" He pushed him away. "No way! My only sibling  is my beautiful  gege! I don't  want a sibling whose not cute!" Shen Wei  widen his eyes, "Didi!" But Yezun continue, "That's  right little  man! Your not cute!" And cling to Shen Wei's  arm. But Shen Wei  didn't  dream Yunlan will fight for him.

   "His my gege too! My father married your mother! So his mine too!" And pushed  Yezun away and hugged  Shen Wei  tightly. "Yunlan!" Shout Shen Wei.
But Yezun retaliate and pushed  Yunlan  again. Both boys suddenly  pulled Shen Wei  to himself. Making Shen Wei  shout at both of them.

    "Stay away from my gege! His mine not yours! Your not his real brother!" He shoved him hard and made Yunlan fall and sit on the floor. Yunlan almost cried but seeing Yezun smirk at him. Making him stand up and knocked  Yezun up. Yezun cried when he fall on the floor. "Didi! Shout Shen Wei  and help him up.

   "Don't  ever come near me because I'm not your brother!" He shouted angrily at Yunlan. That made Yunlan look like a kick puppy and ran crying. "Are you alright Didi!" Yezun suddenly  wipe his tears. "You tell him good gege!" That made Shen Wei  shocked, "You lied that your hurt! Why?!" He ask. "Why? Why?! That little  twerp stole you from me!" Said Yezun.

    When night came Yunlan never come home making Shen Wei  felt guilty. While his step Dad and his mother trying to find him. "Why are you not sleeping gege?" Yezun ask. "Yunlan didn't  come home yet?" Yezun look puzzle to him. "His not our brother! Why your so concern for him?!" He was surprised  what his gege said, "Because his my didi as well!" And join his parents in trying to find Yunlan.


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