The Decision

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       Da quing  bump into his jiejie and told her everything in a minute Yezun came.  Whose running after him.

   He suddenly  frown seeing a new face talking to Da quing. And suddenly  became possessive and cling to him. His jiejie laugh a little.  "About what you said I will tell it to the higher court!" And left.  "Whose that girl?!" Yezun demand an answer.

   "She's  my jiejie! Silly man!" And poke Yezun on the forehead.  "What?! Why didn't  you tell me?!!! I look like a fool to her!" He frown. Making Da quing  roll his eyes. When suddenly  he felt something.  "Yezun! Wait in our classroom! I'm just gonna find someone!" And run hurriedly, "Wait! If you think you could escape me?! You got it all wrong!" He shout and run after him.

    Yunlan became a new member on the baseball team and was happily practicing with a few of his classmates in the field. Sanches the catcher excuss himself to go to the toilet when he bump into Prof. Von Claude. As he apologized  and pass by Prof. Von Claude change himself  into Sanches.

    Meanwhile the jijie of Da quing  came  to the hall and told everything to the council.  "So his doing it again?!" Said one of them. "Why his attacking people  with guardian?!" One of the council cut, "Former with guardian! Just like the other he was a guardian. But just like them he interfere  with the humans and lost his guardianship to his master.

    Oneday his master was  met with an accident unable  to help her.....she died. And now his blaming us and promise to take revenge.  We tried to take away his power but he vanish without a trace until now."

    The jiejie of Da quing  pleaded to the council to give the guardianship back to his didi for Yunlan's  sake. The council suddenly  murmer at each other if they willing or not for the safety of the human.

    Back to Yunlan, Da quing  with Yezun is passing by the field when they heard a shout. "Hey! Watch where you throw the ball! It almost hit me on the head!" Shout Yunlan. But Sanches still kept throwing at him even his team mates are running for their lives not to be hit by the balls. Anyone who went near him was hit hard.

   "Hey! His only have one ball why it became to many inside his pocket?!" One of the of Yunlan team shout. They're  coach angrily yelling at Sanches to stop but the man still persue to hit Yunlan on the head. Da quing  saw the real image of Sanches it's  Prof. Von Claude!" He and Yezun tried to help Yunlan. But the gate toward the field is lock. "Yezun! Go to the guards to get the key! Quickly!" As Yezun run, Da quing  do his magic and unlock the gate.

   He run toward Sanches and knock him out. The real Sanches  on the other hand bumped  into Yezun. "What are you doing here?! Your at the field attacking your teammates!" Sanches look at him puzzle, "How?! I'm at the toilet room. Both now run back toward the field.

    "Yunlan! Are you alright?!" Da quing  inspect him if his hurt. When the fake Sanches woke up and shoved Da quing  to the ground. He quickly grabbed  Yunlan by the arm. Yunlan hit him with his bat. But was shocked  it didn't  affect him and broke his bat. "You little  trouble maker!" And hit him on the face making him unconcious  and drags him out of the field and disappeared.  But before they disappeared  Da quing  change back into a cat and jump on to Von Claude's  back and vanished.

    When Yezun and the real Sanches came it's  already  too late they're  gone.
In an hours policemen came and a panicking Shen Wei  hurriedly  went to the scene, "Didi! Where's  my wife?! Where's  Yunlan!" He grabbed  him by the shoulder. "Gege! Da quing  is also missing! That man who looks like Sanches grabbed  them and took them away! When we came back they're  gone!" Shen Wei  was shocked  to move in his place he failed to protect his wife.

    Da quing  jiejie also came late but when he saw the twin, "Maybe the game is not yet over!"

   Meanwhile  Yunlan wake up in a cage hanging on the ceiling and saw Da quing  whose also  in a cage. "Da quing!" He tried to get out of it but the cage is lock. Von Claude laugh and look at them.  "I'm so lucky to catched two instead of one!"  Yunlan and Da quing  look down only to see they're  not the only one in the cage. But Sarah and many more people with they're  guardians.

   "Professor! Why your doing this?!" Shout Yunlan. "Ah....I'm not a professor dear student but someone like your friend as well! The council never help me when I need them! And now  they will pay!" He suddenly  change into a brown cat and climb onto Yunlan's  cage. "Soon your guardian's power will be mine as well. While you will be like Sarah cage here forever!" Da quing  tried to get out from cage but a spell made him bounce back.

    Shen Wei  and Yezun came to a portal with Da quing's  jiejie. "Where are we?" Shen Wei  ask. As they came to a lonesome and creepy tower. "The kidnapper's  house. Luckily  you two are link with Yunlan and my didi. "Link?!" Both look at each other. "Yes the husband of Yunlan and my didi's  lover!" Yezun chuckled, "Well your didi is very slow so I take the first step in making him my boyfriend!" Shen Wei  roll his eyes.

   "Anyway how can we rescue them?" He ask. "I make a devertion! You two sneek inside and rescue them!" Both nod. As they began they're plan.

   Inside Von Claude is tooking away the power of Da quing  away. Yunlan kept shouting at him to stop. When suddenly  the tower shake. "What's  happening?! An intruder!" While he stop what his doing and step outside to look. The twins sneek past him to rescue Yunlan and Da quing.

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