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    Yezun was introduce in his class......the class of Yunlan. "What?!!! Why his here?!!!" Yunlan almost widen his eyes.

   "Isn't  his the twins of your gege and suppose to be in his senior?!" Lin Jing ask Yunlan. All of the gossip making their teacher hit the table. "QUIET!!!" As you know Mr. Shen Yezun have a traumatic incedent happened  to him since his parents  got seperated and as well his sibling. He never went to school when his parents got  seperated! Until now! That's  why he was left out by his gege."

    Yunlan can't  believe  his notorious  enemy is now beside him smirking. Well Yunlan never knew while his enemy is there. His allied force is with him as well. Yezun about to talk to Yunlan when Da quing  interfere,  "Hello! My name is Da quing! Nice to meet you!" And shake his hand. Yezun felt something  wrong with the intense gaze of Da quing.

   While Da quing  is trying to dare him. In the middle Yunlan and his friends look at the two of them. "Psst! Did they knew each other?" Ask Guo to Yunlan. "I think they're  enemies or something?! Look how they look at each other and they won't  let go of their hands!" Said Lin Jing.

   "You know?  You look familiar? Have we meet?!" Yezun ask while trying to crush Da quing's  hand for interfering  in his prey. "I don't  know what are you talking about?!" While he also clutching his hand. They forgot they're  in the class. And now they're  teacher is getting angry for ignoring him. "YOU TWO!!! STAND OUT!!!

   In an hour both Da quing  and Yezun stand  outside at the room and squat. "This is your fault!" Shout  Yezun. "Me?! Don't  ever get near my friend Yunlan! Or I'll scratch you!!!" While both of them are arguing. Da quing  notice a white cat laughing at him at a tree top. "Jie....jie!!! Is this your doing?!" He talk to her in his mind.

   "Serve you right for interfering  with the humans! We have rules! Don't  forget that?!" As she swayed her white tail and left.

   In a little  while as the lesson is over and now Yunlan is playing baseball.  Shen Wei watches carefully  Yunlan's  play but suddenly  he was surprised  his didi is also in their team. "What's  the fool doing their?!" Shen Wei  ask himself. His friends notice his frowning.

   "So you don't  know your didi have enrolled in our school! And now the classmate of Yunlan." Said  Chu. Yunlan seeing him wave at Shen Wei  who smile at him but he frown when Yezun suddenly  cling to Yunlan. Da quing  pinched  Yezun's hands away from Yunlan. "Whose that?!" Shen Wei  ask Chu. "Oh! His the new student too! I heard he have  a bad blood toward your didi! That we don't  know why?"

   Shen Wei carefully look at Da quing  and Yezun. Both intensely  looking at one another. And an idea pop into his mind. "Your enemy is my friend!" He smirk to himself. "A new alley against his didi. Because of Da quing  Yezun's attention  change. And forgot about Yunlan.

   As he tried to flirt with Yunlan,  Da quing  blocking his way. Da quing's  jie jie on the other hand making him stumble and fall on Yezun.  Yezun frown on him. "Pervert!" He shout.  Da quing  can't believe what he heard, "What?!" And look at his jiejie whose enjoying on what's  happening.

   When the game start the two new commers making Yunlan's  team having a hard time to win against  Zhuji's team. "Because of their arguments, " Those two are bringing  the team down!" Shout Guo whose quite mad. Because he want to impress Chu on his game.

   Yunlan have no choice, "You two! Bench!" Both Da quing  and Yezun want to protest. "NO!!! WHAT?!!!" They said it in union. Both grumbled when they sitted beside each other in the entire game. "Oh! Look! Yunlan look yummy!" That made Da quing  block his view. "Never look at my friend! His not ment for you!"

   Yezun got irritated,  "Why?!!! Is it because you like him too!!!"  Da quing  want to reply when a roar of cheers they heard. Yunlan's  team won. Making both jump for joy and hug one another. Suddenly  they shoved one another when they realize they're  at each other's  embrace.

   Yezun was about to ran toward Yunlan to congratulate  him. But his gege beat him to it. And he pulled Yunlan away from him. Da quing  smirk, "I told you his not ment for you?!" But Yezun retaliate,  "Why is my gege like him too?! He can't  because they're  legally brothers!" As he smirk back and walk to the other direction. "Why that evil person!" He was about to zap him when his jiejie came, transformed  into a girl.

   "Don't  do anything stupid! Or it will backfired on you! Let's  go!" As she pulled Da quing  away from the crowd.
Shen Wei  on the  other hand have  a surprise  date  with Yunlan they went to the park and laid a picnic mat starring at the sky while beside a river.
"Aaawwwh!!! I have a hard  time with the newbie  and your didi!" And lean to his shoulder.

   "Can I have a reward for winning and dealing with them?" Yunlan batting his eyes on him. Shen Wei  look around him. When he secure that no one is looking. He smile and quickly kiss Yunlan passionately. Yunlan replied his kiss with eagernes and love for him. If only time would stop and he can hold Shen Wei's  in his arms forever he will do it.

   But as they break the kiss to give themselves  some air. Yunlan look at him cutely. Making Shen Wei  blushed  and laugh. Yunlan hurriedly  laid his head on his lap. "I'll give up everything  just for you Xiao.....Wei!" While caressing his face.

  Shen Wei  quickly took his hand and kiss it, "I will also do it too and more! If you only knew I want to accelerate in our school faster! So I can graduate and get into college and finished  it up quickly. After that! Get a job and get your hand for marriage!" And kiss Yunlan again.

   Unknown to them, Shen Wei's mother, Isabella came to surprise  them and eat with them in a restaurant. 
When she saw them leaving quickly out of the school ground. She followed  them to surprise  the two.

   But she didn't  anticipate she will be the one to be shocked. It was a fool proff both their children are boys. They won't  be falling inlove with each other. That's  why she's  confident  to marry Xin ci......but now what will she do in this dilemma.  She love both boys and can't  tell them to break apart.

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