A Jelly Wife

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   "Yaaah! Who are you! Get away from my husband!" Yunlan scream. Making the girl startle luckily she didn't  understand  him.

   Shen Wei  apologize  to his classmate  and pulled  Yunlan to a corner, "What's  wrong with you? She's  just want to copy an assignment  given by our professor!" Yunlan shake his head. "No! I don't  like her being near you! She's  flirting  with you!" He shout. "Oh......" Said Yezun and Da quing.

   "Would you two mind! Were talking here!" Said Shen Wei.  As the two back away. "Look even though  she flirt to me a thousand time, your the only one I want to have!" But Yunlan still sulk. Shen Wei  sigh, "Okay! I won't  talk to her anymore!"

   That made Yunlan smile back and hugged  his husband. "Promise?!" Ask Yunlan. "Promise!"  Said Shen Wei. He hugged  Shen Wei  and kissed him sweetly. "Oh! Ah Lan! If only I can lock you forever so no one can see you, only me!" As Shen Wei  responded  back to his kiss. Making Yunlan giggle in delight. "Then I'll give you the key so I can't  get out in your embrace!"

    But the next day Yunlan is arguing with a guy whose just admiring  his husband good looks and intellectual.  Luckily Da quing  apologize  to the guy and explain Yunlan is Shen Wei's  wife. Yezun quickly call his gege on the commotion  that happened.  Shen Wei  scolded Yunlan to not fight because he have a baby in his womb. Yunlan nod in response  like a child whose been spank by his parents.

    Shen Wei  sigh as he didn't  want Yunlan to stress and cry infront of him. He quickly hold him and kissed his head. And whispered  soothing words so he calm again. Yunlan clutches his shoulder  and sniff. "Xiao Wei! I didn't  know what's  happening  to me? I get irritated  quickly and jealous! Sorry!"

    But the next day again  came, Shen Wei  was helping his classmates  when he slipped  and a male classmate  caught him and help him stand again. "Cheater! Stop touching my husband!" Yunlan suddenly  shout  from behind. The male classmate  back away from Shen Wei.  "Ah Lan! Stop! His only helping me!"  Shen Wei  apologized  to his classmate  and pulled Yunlan away from them.

   As another and another, Da ji was called  by Shen Wei  because of Yunlan's  odd behavior. "Did you do this?! Did you made Yunlan pregnant and his attitude  is becoming unbearable!" Shen Wei  complain. "First of all I didn't  make him pregnant but maybe because......." Shen Wei  cut him. "What?!!! Why he completely  change?! My sweet Yunlan became a ferocious,  jealous wife when he became pregnant!"

   "Maybe when Sarah transferred  her life force to him..... her ovary is also given to Yunlan. And for your information a pregnant wife is a dangerous  one! Because of his hormones he can be a territorial  and easily  get  angry!" Said Da Ji.

    As Yunlan seen them he quickly hold Shen Wei  into his arms, "His mine! Scat   cat!" He angrily  said. "Ah Lan! That's  Da quing's  sister!" Said Shen Wei.  "So what?! She's leaning onto you!"

    In the next few minutes Yunlan and Shen Wei  arguing in the kitchen. "What are we gonna do? I don't  want my friend to fight his husband!" Da quing  ask his jiejie. "Don't  worry it will pass! It's  normal for a pregnant  wife to be possessive! I already told that to Shen Wei." Yezun sigh, "I hope they won't  get divorce like my mother and father." Both Da quing  and Da Ji glared at him. "What?!" He ask.

   When something  clashes at the ground, the dishes fell.  As Yunlan got dizzy and almost puke on the table. Shen Wei  hurriedly  help him up toward the bathroom to the toilet. "Ah Lan! Are you okay!" After Yunlan throw up in the toilet. Shen Wei  lift his wife back toward their room.

   Da quing  and the others sweep the floor and clean the dinning table. Inside the room, Shen Wei  wipe a small,  cold, wet towel on Yunlan's  face and forehead.  "Xiao.....Wei! I think I'm gonna die!" Shen Wei  help him drink water to calm himself off.

    "Ah Lan! It's  alright that's  the effect of being pregnant!" As he joined him  on the bed and cuddle Yunlan  in his arms like a child.  "Sleep now your just tired from everything!" Yunlan nod and close his eyes. But he hold Shen Wei  tightly making him chuckled, "Oh! My dear possessive little wife!"

    That  made Yunlan open his cute, brown eyes and pulled Shen Wei  to a kiss. "And your my lovely husband!" He yawn and snuggle to his hold. While his other hand hold Shen Wei's other hand and let him caress his chest. Making Shen Wei  feel the heart beat of his wife. As he wanted to feel that soft skin underneath those shirt.

    His hand suddenly  went underneath  touching that smooth skin as he pinched  those sensative nipples. Making Yunlan moan beautifuly. "Ah Lan  ......I want to touch you!" He whispered  suddenly  on his ears as Shen Wei  nibble it. Yunlan can only nod as his body getting heated up. As Shen Wei  pulled up his shirt.

    "Xiao.....Wei...." He moaned  when the warm lips suddenly  kiss and suck his already sore nipples. While the other hand take off his pants with boxer stroking his prize. He can't  help to become  red and clutches to Shen Wei's  hair to encourage him more. As he burst on his hand and scream.

    Da Ji and Da quing  whose talking outside upon hearing Yunlan moan. Da quing  quickly covered his precious jiejie's ears while Yezun hurriedly  covered her eyes. "What do you think your doing that's  my sister!" Shout Da quing.  "That's  why I'm helping sister in law not to see what's  happening!"

    Da quing  smack his hands away, making his jiejie  laugh both of them. "Why don't  you two gotten married already? Your like an old couple bickering at one another?" She laugh again.  "That's  what I been telling to your didi to marry me! But he refuse!" Yezun looking like a child who loose his favorite candy. Da Ji comfort Yezun and sigh, "That's  my didi very strict! Do you still want to marry him?" Da quing  upon hearing, "Jiejie! Stop it! Yezun is mine!"


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