The Little Things You Do

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    Yunlan started the morning happily cooking food for his husband and friends.

   When all knew his cooking, Da quing  and Yezun want to excuse himself  but he suddenly  glared at them. "NO! ONE IS LEAVING WITHOUT BREAKFAST!"  He shout. Da quing  and Yezun sweat. "Tell me your his best friend! Did he knows how to cook?" Yezun  ask Da quing  shake his head, "Do we have sodas there or medicine for stomach ache?" Da quing  ask Yezun.

    When Shen Wei  entered the dinning room, "What's  going on? What's  the fuss?" When Yunlan suddenly  laid a certain charcoal  thing. "No!!! My dried fish! What happened?!!!" Shout  Da quing.  "What  do you mean what happened?! I fried it up so it's  crispy to eat!" Shen Wei  laugh, "Look my dear wife! Let me cook for you!" But suddenly  stop as he saw Yunlan about to cry. Shen Wei  sweat.

   With in an hour both Da quing,  Yezun and Shen Wei  have a burned foods  to eat. Da quing  cried over his dried fish. "There...there my kitty I will buy you more tomorrow!" As Yezun comfort Da quing.  Meanwhile  Shen Wei  inspecting the black thing that ones an egg and a bacon. But now both are burned.  "All of you why don't  you eat it?!" As Yunlan excitedly  awaits for them to eat.

     Da quing transported his food to another dimension  while Yezun thrown his inside his shoes so Yunlan won't  see it. Shen Wei  is at the edge of his life. Eating the food might made him die but if not  his sweet wife might cry. His sweating as he was about to eat the food when the doorbell ring. "Phew! Save by the bell!" As he hurriedly  welcome  the guest. Yunlan pout, "Wait! Xiao Wei  your food?!"

    "Ah Lan! It's  Dad and Mom!" Yunlan forgotten  the food as he ran toward his father and stepmother. "Yunlan we heard the great news that your pregnant!" His father almost lift him up, but suddenly  his back ache. "Your pretty  heavy now!" He accidentally  said. "Dad! How  could you! I'm not fat!"
His parents look  at him. "Your Dad never say your fat Yunlan!" Said his stepmother. When he started  to cry.

    His father  quickly comfort him when  Yunlan suddenly  gave Xin ci his burned bacon. All of them gasp, "What is this piece of *BLEEP.....BLEEP.....BLEEP!!!* Isabella  almost faint hearing that from his husband. But not to Yunlan. "I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!" He suddenly  went back to his room and lock it. Shen Wei  kept knocking at the door. "Ah Lan! Don't be angry! Your father just was surprise at what have you cook!"

    Shen Wei  sign his father in law to talk. "Ah son! Wei is right! I was just surprised  so please come out of there!"
When Yunlan came outside his father quickly hugged  him, "Sorry son! I didn't  mean to curse the food that you make!" And rubbed  his shoulder to calmed  him down.

    In a minute Yunlan preparing again to cook. Xin ci signal Shen Wei  to stop him before they will die of food poison.
Shen Wei  lovingly hold his wife on the back. "You don't  need to cook! Father  said we will eat outside to celebrate your pregnancy!" Yunlan want to protest  but all of them insist or will die to do it.

   In an hour while all of them eating fried chicken, noodles, fried rice and sea foods at a nearby  restaurant.  "Ah Lan! What's  the matter? Why are you not eating?" Ask Shen Wei  worriedly. "I don't  know I love fried chicken but now! I get puke when seeing that one!"

   But suddenly  as he saw a street vendor  selling fish ball. He can't  help to droll. "Xiao Wei! I want that!" Shen Wei  was surprised,  "What?! But that's  not good for your health! It's  street foods! Many germs!" That made Yunlan  suddenly  pout and started crying. All of them look  at Shen Wei.  So he would buy it to stop Yunlan crying like a kid. "Hurry up! I don't  want Yunlan to cry loud here!" Command Xin ci to him.

     After  Shen Wei  bought it, not only fishballs he bought but the barbeque liver and the eyeball soup of a cow. All of it Yunlan eat it happily. "Yunlan! I never thought  the day would come you will eat street foods!" Da quing  said. As he want to taste the fish balls. Yunlan slapped  his hand, "They're  mine!" And continue to eat again.

    "Honey! Do you want me to buy you too?" Ask Yezun teasing Da quing.  "I don't  want to talk to you!" Da quing  snub him. While Yezun laugh everybody sweat.  Yunlan on the other hand saw another delicacy. "Xiao Wei! I want that!"

   Shen Wei  almost pop his eyes, "You want to eat fried scorpion as well! won't  let my little  one eat that!" He scolded Yunlan like a little  kid.

    But the next  day Shen Wei  never expected Yunlan bought one gallon  of ice cream and a green mango to dip on it. All his companion in the house almost can't  look at him eating such thing. "That  green mango look very sour as he dip it to choclate flavor ice cream. "I think I'm gonna puke!" Said Yezun as he saw Yunlan drinking a passion fruit  juice as well.

    "Ah Lan!" You might get stomach ache!" Shen Wei  tried to stop him. But Yunlan drink it with one gulp. "You can't  stop me!" And ate the sour mango and ice cream. Making Da quing  faint.

    In a minute Yunlan came running to the bathroom to puke everything he ate. Shen Wei  got worried and took him to the hospital. The doctor gave him an IV and some prescription.  "Sir it's  natural for a pregnant wife to eat something like that! But I hope he will be careful in eating to much sour fruits."

    But the latter on the other hand command Da quing  to give him something to eat again. Shen Wei  block it, "!!! No more sour thing for a while! Maybe chicken soup!" But Yunlan pout.


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